[C][U]材料,原料 anything from which sth is or can be made; natural or man-made substance
[U][C]布料 cloth
[U]资料,素材 information from which a (written) work is to be produced
物质的; 身体的,肉体的 of or having an effect on real or solid matter or substance; of the body; physical
[A]重要的,重大的 important or having a wide effect
有重要关系的 having important connection
the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object;
"coal is a hard black material" "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread"
information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form;
"the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography"
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers;
"the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent" "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC" "she measured off enough material for a dress"
things needed for doing or making something;
"writing materials" "useful teaching materials"
a person judged suitable for admission or employment;
"he was university material" "she was vice-presidential material"
concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests;
directly relevant to a matter especially a law case;
"his support made a material difference" "evidence material to the issue at hand" "facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts" "a material witness"
concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being;
"material needs" "the moral and material welfare of all good citizens"
having material or physical form or substance;
"that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible"
having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary;
"the substantial world" "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical" "most ponderous and substantial things"
原材料 starting material from which sth can be made
重要证人 witness whose evidence is crucial to the case
This material is homogeneous. 这种材料质地均匀。
This material is imitation, it isn't natural leather. 这材料是仿造的,不是天然皮。
When light passes from air to a denser material such as water or glass, its speed will slow down. 当光通过密度较大的物质,比如水或玻璃时,它的速度就会减慢下来。
It is safest to cover all the bare metal parts of an electric circuit with insulating material. 用绝缘材料将电路所有裸露的部件包裹起来是非常安全的方法。
Japan imports textile materials from Britain 日本从英国进口纺织材料。
To trial-produce this product, we need some costly materials. 为试制这种产品,我们需要某些价值昂贵的材料。
It's dangerous to smoke when handling explosive materials. 处理爆炸品时吸烟是非常危险的。
This coat is made of coarse material. 这件外套是用粗糙的衣料做的。
These materials were collected through year's efforts. 这些资料是通过多年的努力才收集到的。
The book provides much material for thought. 这本书中有许多东西是发人深省的。
I'm gathering material for a novel. 我正在搜集小说素材。
I was not art historian material. 我不是研究艺术史的料。
The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成许多物质的破坏。
He wanted material things like money and power, possessions. 他需要像钱和财产这类物质上的东西。
Material civilization is very important today. 物质文明在当今十分重要。
She has a soul above material pleasures. 她有一个超越物质享受的灵魂。
You think of too much of material comforts. 你对肉体的享受考虑得太多了。
Hard work is a material factor in success. 勤奋是成功的重要因素。