英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ri:d]

美 [ri:d]



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  • 芦笛,牧笛
  • 不可依靠的人
  • 簧乐器
  • 【植】芦苇 ,干芦苇
  • 【音】簧舌,簧片
  • 芦杆, (盖屋顶用的)麦秸,茅草
  • 苇丛
  • 里德(姓氏)
  • 牧歌
  • 矢,箭
  • 用芦苇装饰
  • 用芦苇盖(屋顶)
  • 用茅草盖(屋顶)
  • 把簧装(在乐器上),装簧片于
  • 用小凸嵌线装饰
  • 刻槽
  • [U][C]芦苇;芦丛 a grasslike plant that grows in wet places;mass of such plants growing together



1. a musical instrument that sounds by means of a vibrating reed

Synonym: beating-reed instrumentreed instrument

2. a vibrator consisting of a thin strip of stiff material that vibrates to produce a tone when air streams over it

e.g. the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece

Synonym: vibrating reed

3. tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and Phragmites

1. 芦苇
Reeds are tall plants that grow in large groups in shallow water or on ground that is always wet and soft. They have strong, hollow stems that can be used for making things such as mats or baskets.


2. (木管乐器中的)簧片
A reed is a small piece of cane or metal inserted into the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument. The reed vibrates when you blow through it and makes a sound.


1. 簧片:首先这道工序很重要,通过调音每个簧片(reed)才能有准确的发音. 廉价口琴的生产中可能根本没有这道工序,所以音准问题很难得到保证. (对初学音乐者来说,培养识音能力是很重要要的,使用音不准的乐器,影响就可想而知了.

2. reed

2. 里德:l887-1949)对书中的植物进行了大量的研究工作,写了一部题为<<中所列的饥荒食物>>(Famine列出了书中358种植物的汉名、已知学名、英文名称、化学成分和在其他国家食用的情况. 美国植物学家H.S.里德(Reed)在<>(A

3. reed的意思

3. 苇:12月8日 芦苇(Reed) 花语:深情 花占卜:你大生有丰富的才华,而且为人颇自负,经不起别人的怂恿,勇于向人挑战. 你喜欢听到赞美的声音,失去了原有的自我本色,加上容易相信别人,误交损友. 积极培养一下观察能力,你有获得幸福的充分条件.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The roof is made of dried reeds.
  • Beds of black-headed reeds in the..pond.

    出自:J. T. Story
  • He used to be much more assertive...Now he bent to her like a reed.

    出自:R. Frame
John Shelton Reed, a sociologist, is writing it.((约翰沙塔里得,一位社会学家,正在编写这样的一本书)。)
They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water.(他们居住在建在水中木桩上的芦苇草屋里。)
Reed has made the holiday break an annual practice.(瑞德已经把节日休假作为了每年的惯例。)
No, it is no good; the song has died away into reed-talk.(不,这样不行;那首歌已经消失,变成了芦苇的低语。)
A reed swayed by the wind?(要看风吹动的芦苇吗?)
We need reed needlse to speed the deed indeed.(我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。)
The Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold about 20 trillion cubic feet natural gas.(礼乐滩附近的桑帕吉塔天然气场被测出至少蕴含20万亿立方英尺的天然气。)
A reed warbler is feeding a baby cuckoo.(一只苇莺正在喂养小杜鹃。)
Geneticist Danielle Reed has worked with many twins over the years and thought deeply about what twin studies have taught us.(遗传学家丹妮尔·里德多年来对许多双胞胎进行研究,深入思考了研究双胞胎教会了我们什么。)
He did a residency at Walter Reed Medical Center and worked there for years before a transfer to the Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood this year.(他在沃尔特·里德医疗中心实习,并在那里工作多年,今年才转到胡德堡的达纳尔陆军医疗中心。)
reed是什么意思 reed在线翻译 reed什么意思 reed的意思 reed的翻译 reed的解释 reed的发音 reed的同义词