英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:52:29
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  • 格言,箴言,座右铭
  • 谚语
  • 准则,原理,主义
  • 马克沁重机枪,马克沁机关枪,马克泌枪
  • 数学公理
  • 普遍真理
  • 马克西姆(姓氏)
  • Hudson Maxim 马克西姆(1853-1927,美国化学家、炸药发明者)
  • Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim 马克西姆(1840-1916,马克沁机枪的发明者)

1. 信条;格言;箴言
A maxim is a rule for good or sensible behaviour, especially one in the form of a saying.

e.g. I believe in the maxim 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

1. 格言:虽然名声不及梅铎、马克斯韦尔等传媒大亨,但这位在英国财富排名第72位的富翁亦非等闲之辈,他在1997年以<>(Maxim)杂志成功登陆美国之后,最近他又多发行了三本杂志,以更猛烈的攻势冲击美国传媒市场,

2. (美信):2006年8月20日 165简介: 美信(MAXIM)日前推出MAX8723--内置14V电源开关的高效、开关模式、降压稳压器. 只需要很少的外置元件,该产品就可以从6~13.2V的直流电压中产生3.3V的固定电压或可调的直流输出电压. 13.2V的输入电压使该产品非常适合LCD显示器,

3. Maxim什么意思

3. 美心:上周五,美心(Maxim)投资公司的首席战略分析师,同时也是互联网上最出名的财经博客TheBigPicture的撰写者BarryL.Ritholtz指出,目前有十大征兆显示美股可能已经接近底部:

  • 经典引文

  • It is urged as an universal Maxim, That Nothing can procede from Nothing.

    出自:R. Bentley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The first commercially successful product was patented by MIT grad Hiram Percy Maxim in 1909.(首个成功的商用产品是由麻省理工学院的毕业生HiramPercy于1909年专利研制的。)
Using the so-called Maxim of Relevance we can infer things as well, or rather the speaker can imply things and the listener can make inferences.(使用所谓的关联准则,我们可以推断出一些事情,或者更确切地说,说话者可以在话语中暗示一些内容,而听者可以从这些话语中做出推断。)
There were men whom she found more engaging than Maxim, but they tended not to pursue her.(她发现有些人比马克西姆更有吸引力,但他们对她并不感兴趣。)
Thanks to his excellent maneuver in negotiation, they attained maxim benefit from the contract.(他的精湛的谈判技巧使他们的利益在合同中得到了最大的保证。)
More accurately, no consulting maxim is always right.(更确切地说,任何咨询准则都不会永远正确。)
If in doubt, we should be heedful of the maxim Primum non nocere: first, do no harm.(如果新功能值得怀疑,我们应该谨记格言Primumnonnocere:首先,不要造成伤害。)
But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.(但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。)
(Maxim Gorky, Russian writer).(俄国作家高尔基。)
Indeed, a management maxim is, "you get what you measure."(确实,管理的格言是,“您获得您所测量的”。)
The fifth maxim: the first class soup has more creations than second class paintings.(第五条箴言:第一流的菜汤比第二流的绘画更具有创造性。)
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