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副词: meaningfully 名词: meaningfulness

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. in a meaningful manner
so as to be meaningful

e.g. He glanced at her meaningfully

1. 有意义地:historic sightseeing 历史景观 | meaningfully 有意义地 | amalgamation 联合、合并

2. 意味深长地:-- Logically论理上, 逻辑上 | -- Meaningfully意味深长地 | -- demand forecasting需求预测

3. 意味深长的:eyebrow眉毛 | meaningfully意味深长的 | stack一堆,一叠

  • 经典引文

  • The phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound a listener can perceive.

    出自:Physics Bulletin
  • Chris and Jayne turned to each other with raised eyebrows and meaningful looks.

    出自:J. J. Hennessy
  • There were no precious objects that had been particularly meaningful to him.

    出自:G. Josipovici
Others that divide well (" do you like Brussels sprouts? ") will not do so meaningfully.(其它问题分类很有效(“你喜欢球芽甘蓝么?”)但不是那么有意义。)
You may include a "default" case at the end of a pattern match, either using the underscore wild card character or a meaningfully-named variable.(你可以在模式匹配的最后包含一个“default”默认case,可以使用下划线通配符,或者有含义的变量名。)
This in effect denied them their right to participate meaningfully in elections.(这实际上是剥夺了他们正式参与选举的权利。)
Although in the brief life, you can also experience personally a lot of try meaningfully.(虽然在短暂的人生里,你也可以体验到很多有意义的尝试。)
The report warns: "Urgent attention is needed to address this situation and bring the continent more meaningfully online."(报告警告说:“我们急需关注这个问题,使这个大陆更好地使用网络。”)
"I have a knack for making friends, you know," she added meaningfully.(“你知道,我交朋友很有一套,”她有意补充道。)
If you understand and remember the points just mentioned above, you can talk meaningfully about Aristotelian ethics.(如果你理解和记住了上述观点,你已经了解了亚里士多德道德学的意义。)
Web services can be meaningfully classified by service domains and functional categories.(Web服务可以按照服务领域和功能类别进行有意义的分类。)
Player characters should be the focus as much as possible, and be offered choices and decisions that meaningfully impact the world around them.(玩家角色应该尽可能成为焦点,而且可以通过被提供的选择与决定来对这个虚拟世界造成有意义的冲击。)
To escape with a Ph.D., you must meaningfully extend the boundary of human knowledge.(要成功拿到博士学位,你必须真正的扩展人类的知识边界。)
meaningfully是什么意思 meaningfully在线翻译 meaningfully什么意思 meaningfully的意思 meaningfully的翻译 meaningfully的解释 meaningfully的发音 meaningfully的同义词