英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪkˈspresɪv]

美 [ɪkˈsprɛsɪv]


副词: expressively 名词: expressiveness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 意味深长的
  • 表现的
  • 富于表情的
  • 表情丰富的
  • 表达的
  • 表达…的
  • 有表情的
  • 有表现力的
  • 表示的
  • 表现…的
  • 表示…的
  • 表情生动的
  • 富于表现力的
  • 传神的
  • 有含意的
  • 用作表达的


1. characterized by expression

e.g. a very expressive face

1. 富于表情的;富于表现力的
If you describe a person or their behaviour as expressive, you mean that their behaviour clearly indicates their feelings or intentions.


e.g. You can train people to be more expressive.
e.g. ...her small, usually expressive face.

He moved his hands expressively.
Crying is part of our natural expressiveness.

2. 表达…的;表现…的
If something is expressive of particular ideas or qualities, it has features which indicate or demonstrate them.

e.g. Perhaps all his poems were really love poems, expressive of love for someone...
e.g. Its history is expressive of the character and development of the people who possess it.

1. 表现的:要注意的是,逻辑实证主义区分了不同的意义,没有认知意义的理论可能具有其他的意义,比如情感的(emotive)、表现的(expressive)、或比喻的(figurative)意义.

2. 有表情的:伦理概念既不可分析也不可定义,因此只有拟似概念(pseudo concept),道德语言只有情绪意义而无认知意义,它有表情的(expressive)与祈使的(imperatival)功能,却无陈述事实的功能.

3. expressive

3. 表达类:纽马克采用 Buhler 的语言功能分类模式, 把严肃的文学作品以及其他权威性语篇归为表达类(expressive)语篇. 他认为对这类语篇的翻译, 原作者是译者要关注的, 翻译的重点放在源语(source language), 翻译单位较小, 以词组/词为单位,

  • 经典引文

  • The receptive powers are in advance of the expressive ones.

    出自:J. Jastrow
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He was an expressive man.(他富于表现力。)
Excellent, modest and expressive use of colors. That's effective.(运用卓越,适中和富有表现力的颜色,那样就很高效。)
People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties.(人们注定与两种类型的人际关系紧密相连:情感纽带和工具纽带。)
Paid form of public presentation and expressive promotion of ideas.(付费的公共演示和明明白白的主意促销。)
She has wonderfully expressive eyes.(她有一双极富表情的眼睛。)
The configuration for a service can be quite expressive.(服务的配置可能非常丰富。)
Because design is code, you should choose the most expressive language you can.(既然设计就是代码,那么应该尽量选择表达性最强的语言。)
His skin was pale, his mouth very expressive, his pale lips barely grazing his teeth.(他皮肤苍白,嘴长的很富有表情,苍白的嘴唇刚好盖住牙齿。)
Every word and gesture is expressive of the artist's sincerity.(这位艺术家的真诚从一言一行中表现出来。)
The centuried Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue who makes extremely expressive wines are recognized as the king of Chambolle-Musigny.(历史悠久的武戈伯爵酒庄持有大片的特级园地块被尊称为香波-慕西尼的王者。)
expressive是什么意思 expressive在线翻译 expressive什么意思 expressive的意思 expressive的翻译 expressive的解释 expressive的发音 expressive的同义词