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英 [məˈtɪkjələs]

美 [mɪˈtɪkjələs]


副词: meticulously 名词: meticulosity

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  • 小心翼翼的
  • 一丝不苟的
  • 过分精细的
  • 严密的
  • 拘泥小节的
  • 精确的
  • 过分注意琐事的
  • 胆小的
  • 细致的
  • 过细的
  • 明察秋毫的
  • 精心策划的
  • 精细的
  • 谨小慎微的
  • 极仔细的;一丝不苟的 giving or showing great precision and care;very attentive to detail


1. marked by extreme care in treatment of details

e.g. a meticulous craftsman
almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities

2. marked by precise accordance with details

e.g. meticulous research
punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette

Synonym: punctilious

1. 小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的;注意细节的
If you describe someone as meticulous, you mean that they do things very carefully and with great attention to detail.


e.g. He was so meticulous about everything...
e.g. The painting had been executed with meticulous attention to detail.

The flat had been meticulously cleaned.

1. 一丝不苟:我们恪守客户至上(Gratifying)、精益求精(Excellent)、一丝不苟(Meticulous)的企业精神,投入到每一个项目的执行任务中,给客户最大程度的满意是捷盟为之奋斗的目标.

2. 过细的:mediator调解人,调停人 | meticulous过细的 | momentum势头,契机

3. 一丝不苟的:Meticulous一丝不苟的 | Overshadow遮没 | Radical基本的


4. 详细的:895. electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰 | 896. meticulous 详细的 | 897. nonvolatile 非挥发的

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • She is meticulous in her presentation of facts.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • A letter written in a minute and meticulous hand.

    出自:R. Lehmann
Now that redrafting is easy, he has been making meticulous tweaks through the night. And keeping the lights on.(而现在,重新起草是容易的,他亮着灯已经很仔细的休整文章一晚上了。)
Too much detail can overwhelm even the most meticulous planner.(细节太多会让最细心的计划人员不知所措。)
Students say the meticulous effort is worth it.(学员们认为,这种极其细致的努力是值得付出的。)
He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.(他总是十分细心地补充最新的资料。)
Some persons objected that announcers' articulation was too meticulous to be natural.(有人反对播音员的发音过于规范,这样就显得很不自然。)
He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.(他以治学严谨著称。)
Virgos are naturally meticulous planners.They have a very systematic and organized way of life.(处女座是谨小慎微的星座,他们的生活非常系统和有规律。)
He thanked the Chinese side for the meticulous arrangements and warm reception.(他感谢中方给予的周到安排和热情款待。)
Her talent was not in gathering information but in analyzing and assessing, a meticulous organizer who plotted and planned with the cunning of a leopard.(她的才华不在信息收集,而在于分析和评估,她是一个一丝不苟的组织者,像豹子一样狡猾地策划和计划着。)
But it's incredibly difficult to let go of living with plans, especially if you're a meticulous planner like I am.(但要让生活随计划而进行会超乎想像的困难,特别是当你像我一样是一个很仔细的计划者时。)
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