英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:48:02



英 [ˈmetl]

美 [ˈmɛtl:]


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1. the courage to carry on

e.g. he kept fighting on pure spunk
you haven't got the heart for baseball

Synonym: heartnervespunk

1. (应对困境的)勇气,才能,气魄
Someone's mettle is their ability to do something well in difficult circumstances.


e.g. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature...
e.g. For both sides, it's the first real test of their mettle this season...

2. 鼓起勇气;全力以赴;振作精神
If you are on your mettle, you are ready to do something as well as you can, because you know that you are being tested or challenged.

e.g. The added competition keeps them on their mettle.

1. 勇气:导读:这是一个有关勇气(mettle)的故事. 15岁她考上大学,29岁她双目失明,37岁她考取哈佛大学,一年后她成为哈佛历史上首位获得MPA学位的外国盲人学生. 年少时,英语教授杨佳曾梦奥斯卡已落幕,

2. 勇气;毅力:Strengthen:加强 | Mettle: 勇气;毅力 | Gossamer:蛛丝;薄纱

3. 勇气,斗志:mesh 用网捕捉,齿合 | mettle 勇气,斗志 | nettle 寻麻,使苦恼

4. 勇气的,精神抖擞的:Prowess:勇气,威力 | Mettle:勇气的,精神抖擞的 | Lion:勇敢者

  • 经典引文

  • We think we know each other's mettle intimately.

    出自:J. Cheever
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The deployment will also test the emotional mettle of soldiers and their families.(这次部署也将会是对士兵及其家人心理承受能力的一次考验。)
The two men shared a bond born of their common world view: you tested your mettle in battle.(两个男人相同的出身背景把他们联系在了一起。你在战斗中考验你的勇气。)
But the current malaise is more than just a test of management mettle.(但当前的经济困境不仅仅是对CEO们勇气的考验。)
To test his public mettle he then entered debate contests in school.(为了考验他面对公众的勇气,他参加了学校的辩论比赛。)
They relay their 69-day ordeal with the pragmatism of men who have proved their mettle to the entire world.(他们通过男子汉的实用主义度过了69天的严峻考验,向世人展示了巨大的勇气。)
Test your holiday mettle against Klaus and his minions for rare and valuable loot.(考验你们为了稀有而宝贵的战利品而对抗克劳斯和他的爪牙们的假日勇气。)
Bankers and lawyers can test their corporate mettle in polo, sailing, skiing, golf and shooting.(银行家和律师们可以在马球、帆船、滑雪、高尔夫及射击比赛中测试自己的团队精神。)
During the Battle of Endor, Calrissian again proved his mettle.(在恩多战役中,卡瑞辛再次证明了他的勇气。)
Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and show your mettle.(应视重任在身为难得的机会:推动你前行,掌握新技能,表现自己的勇气。)
This is the true test of their mettle and the one they most eagerly seek.(对他们勇气的挑战正是他们最渴望的。)
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