英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-24 19:32:39


英 [miˈaʊ]

美 [miˈaʊ]




  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this)

Synonym: meowmewmiaoumiaul



1. make a cat-like sound

Synonym: miaou

1. 喵(猫的叫声)
Miaow is used to represent the noise that a cat makes.

e.g. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.

1. miaow的近义词

1. 貓:每一当东东开启衣柜门时,便开启了通往快乐园的大门 有一天,快乐园的案犯--pc臭虫偶然间发现了这条通道,并闯进这个世界来快乐园得悉此过后便立刻委派两名密探--火腿(Ham)和阿猫(Miaow)前来捉拿它因为它们同样只是精灵,

2. 猫叫:Miami 迈阿密 | miaow 猫叫 | miasma 毒气

3. 咪,喵 (猫叫声):metro 地铁 (4B6) | miaow 咪,喵 (猫叫声) (3A5) | Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 (6A6)

4. miaow的近义词

4. 喵(猫叫声):mango 芒果 | miaow 喵(猫叫声) | milk 牛奶

  • 经典引文

  • 'He's always..where the bar is.' She leaned forward. 'Miaouw!'

    出自:E. Bradford
  • This is the way the world begins. Not with a bang, but with a miaow.

    出自:Dennis Potter
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Exhausted and emaciated, barely able to stand and too weak to miaow, the cat appeared from nowhere on New Year's Eve in the back garden of a Florida family home.(新年前夜,在佛罗里达一户家庭的后院出现一只猫,它看起来筋疲力尽,神情憔悴,勉强站立着,连叫声都发不出来了。)
Sunny Leone in her mini skirt! Miaow!(阳光明媚的里昂在她的迷你裙!猫叫!)
Miaow! he said in answer. Wait till I'm ready.(“喵!”他回答,“等我准备好了再说。”)
Well, I'll come around and miaow tonight.(那么,我今晚就到你家附近学猫叫。)
"Miaow!" he said in answer.(“喵!”他回答。)
Felidae; family Felidae; feline; felid; cat; puss; true cat; margay cat; miaow.(猫咪;(爱称)小猫咪;(爱称)小猫咪。)
The sound spelled "miaow" is used only in talking to people.(发出的“喵喵声”只在与人讲话时使用。)
Well, I'll go to your house and miaow tonight.(那么,我今晚就到你家学猫叫。)
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