英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:01:29



英 [ˈmaɪlstəʊn]

美 [ˈmaɪlstoʊn]



  • 详情解释

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  • 网络解释

  • 里程碑
  • 英里程标
  • 划时代的事件
  • 重要阶段
  • 转折点
  • 里程石
  • (历史上的)重大事件


1. stone post at side of a road to show distances

Synonym: milepost

2. a significant event in your life (or in a project)

1. 里程碑;重大事件;重要阶段
A milestone is an important event in the history or development of something or someone.

e.g. He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history...
e.g. Starting school is a milestone for both children and parents.

2. (路边显示到某地距离的)里程碑,里程标志
A milestone is a stone by the side of a road showing the distances to particular places.

1. 里程标:我们也可以将SDLC解释为一组步骤(Step)、阶段(Phase)或者里程标(Milestone),SDLC的一般步骤包括:确定问题、可行性分析与开发计划、收集需求、分析与设计、编码开发、测试、安装、维护.

2. 时程碑:如契约规定按时程碑(Milestone)估验时,应明确订定该时程碑之应完成项目、履约事项与完成程度及佐证文件(包括各项试验),承包商应於开工日起[三十][ ]日内,按主办机关设定之各项时程碑,进行单价分析为各项计价单元,

3. 重大事件:SMF 引入了重大事件 (milestone)的概念,它代替了传统的运行级别概念. 运行级别对计算机上运行的一组服务进行了基本描述,这些服务通常分为一个用户登录到计算机控制台所需的服务(运行级别 S),以及多个用户登录到计算机所需的服务(运行级别 2 和 3).

  • 经典引文

  • This exhibition represents a milestone in a young artist's career.

    出自:Art Artists
Andrew Hamilton, Oxford's vice-chancellor, said: "the school represents a huge milestone in oxford's history."(牛津大学副校长安德鲁·汉密尔顿表示:“这所学校是牛津历史上的一座巨大里程碑。“)
The outermost table shows the milestone items.(外层的表格显示了重要的工作项。)
This was a huge milestone for me in my blogging quest.(这是我的博客探索之路的一个重要的里程碑。)
Celebrate every little milestone.(庆祝每个小里程碑。)
In fact, this "milestone" came and went with a whimper for me.(实际上,对于我来说,这个“里程碑”夹杂着呜咽声来来去去。)
For South Korea, this is something of a milestone.(这对于韩国具有里程碑式的意义。)
For agile teams, a Phase can be treated like a milestone.(对于敏捷小组,一个阶段可以被看作是一个里程碑。)
You've just achieved an important milestone.(您刚刚取得了一个重要的里程碑。)
Lewis and Brooks argued that an important developmental milestone is reached when children become able to recognize themselves visually without the support of seeing contingent movement.(路易斯和布鲁克斯认为,当儿童不借助于观察偶然行为,也能通过视觉认出自己时,他们就达到了发育的一个重要里程碑。)
Within each phase, you must achieve a major milestone via the execution of one or more micro iterations before the next phase can begin.(在每个阶段中,您必须在下一个阶段开始之前,通过执行一个或多个微迭代来实现一个主要的里程碑。)
milestone是什么意思 milestone在线翻译 milestone什么意思 milestone的意思 milestone的翻译 milestone的解释 milestone的发音 milestone的同义词