英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 ['mɪnɪ]

美 [ˈmɪni]



名词复数: minis

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. a very short skirt

Synonym: miniskirt


1. used of women's clothing
very short with hemline above the knee

e.g. a mini dress

1. 同 mini-skirt
A mini is the same as a mini-skirt .

1. 小:招行2008[和]世界一家最新珍藏版MINI信用卡震撼上市,限时发行,小(MINI)卡终生免年费,且为全国第一张竖形卡. 新户申请免费赠送1000积分,可兑换小熊手机座/天使维尼窗帘挂钩或累积积分兑换米奇米妮抱枕. 且您每成功申办一张信用卡,

2. mini的反义词

2. 迷你型:在 Windows XP 或者 2000 操作系统中,迷你型(Mini)笔记本电脑上安装驱动程序时,屏幕分辨率低于系统最低要求,安装无法继续,怎么办?

3. mini:minicomputer; 小型计算机

4. mini:mini inferno; 蚊

  • 经典引文

  • Leg make-up..gives sitting-down confidence to the wearer of the miniest skirt.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

While mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is shaking.(虽然迷你车和外国奢侈品牌仍然很受欢迎,但二者之间的其他商品都岌岌可危。)
Her flapperish mini and Valkyrian bustier were stunning, and all the more so for being made of candy.(她小淑女般的迷你紧身女胸衣是极好看的,而且几乎全部是用糖果做出来的。)
Mini breaks at work.(迷你打破在工作。)
Perhaps a mini version of me.(也许是我自己的一个微型版本。)
Act out the mini dialogue.(表演这段小对话。)
She got quickly into her Mini and fastened the seat-belt.(她迅速钻进她的迷你车并系好安全带。)
There are many places at the beach to play mini golf, go gocart riding, and to walkalong the boardwalk.(海滩上有许多地方可以打迷你高尔夫球,开卡丁车,在木板路上散步。)
I didn't like your mini movie.(我不喜欢你们拍的微电影。)
Julie, left, and Tricia presented their father with a mini surfboard on the lawn of the White House in 1969.(1969年,在白宫草坪上,左边这位是茱莉亚,而特蕾莎向他们的父亲展示迷你冲浪滑板。)
Yes, they like mini computers.(是的,他们喜欢小型电脑。)
mini是什么意思 mini在线翻译 mini什么意思 mini的意思 mini的翻译 mini的解释 mini的发音 mini的同义词