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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:03:57


英 [ˈmɪsənθrəʊp]

美 [ˈmɪsənθroʊp]


异体字: misanthropist

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1. someone who dislikes people in general

Synonym: misanthropist

1. 遁世者;厌恶世人者
A misanthrope is a person who does not like other people.

1. misanthrope什么意思

1. 厌恶人类的人:misandry 男性厌恶 | misanthrope 厌恶人类的人 | misanthropic 厌恶人类的

2. misanthrope

2. 愤世嫉俗者:323. minion: 奴才,低下之人. | 324. misanthrope: 愤世嫉俗者. | 325. miscreant: 恶棍,歹徒.

3. 憎恨世人的人,遁世的人:Minority,majority 少数人,多数人 | Misanthrope 憎恨世人的人,遁世的人 | Miser,tight-wad,cheap skate 守财奴,小气鬼,吝啬鬼

4. 不愿与人来往者:misanthrope 厌恶人类的人 | misanthrope 不愿与人来往者 | misanthropic 厌恶人类的

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Molière's comedy Le Misanthrope created a derisive young character who, like Hamlet, was a brilliant young man in contrast with the ugly and hypercritic society of his time.(法国戏剧家莫里埃的喜剧《恨世者》塑造了一个供人嘲笑和讥讽的优秀青年阿尔赛斯特。)
He even had a brief career in law, which may partly explain his inclusion of lawsuits and legal strife in The Misanthrope.(他甚至还进行了简短的职业在法律上,这可能部分地解释他列入诉讼和法律纠纷中的愤世嫉俗。)
Consider both an avid cocktail party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and a grumpy misanthrope, who may have one or two friends.(细想一下;一个有数以百计的熟人的鸡尾酒会的女主人和一遁世者,谁会有一两个朋友。)
To Robert, a misanthrope who'd barely mastered E-mail in his earlier life, this networked world is a multitasking hell.(而对于Robert这一早年仅仅勉强精通电子邮件的孤独者而言,这一网络世界简直就是一个多元处理的地狱。)
I have been a complete misanthrope, I hate humans.(我一直在一个完整的厌世者,我讨厌人类。)
If this all strikes you as fancy, handlebar moustache talk from an old misanthrope who doesn't get things like whatever the hell we're calling "conversations" this week, maybe you're on to something.(如果你觉得我所说的复杂,就像我们今周所说的一个守旧的不愿与他人来往的人在自言自语,那可能你准备做其他事。)
While not a commercial success-a pattern largely unbroken until I'm Your Man-this lackadaisical triumph is an inspiration to the misanthrope in us all.(尽管并不是一个商业上的成功,这一模式直到《我是你的男人》才被打破。这个漫不经心的胜利是对独来独往的我们的一个激励。)
I used to worry that my discomfort at weddings meant that I was a misanthrope or lacking the distinctly feminine gene that makes centerpieces and pew markers appealing.(我曾经担心我对婚礼感到不舒服会不会是因为我是个愤世嫉俗者,或是我少了对重大时刻和教堂长凳花饰标志迷恋的女子特有基因。)
Yet I experienced sometimes that the most sweet and tender, the most innocent and encouraging society may be found in any natural object, even for the poor misanthrope and most melancholy man.(然而我有时经历到,在任何大自然的事物中,都能找出最甜蜜温柔,最天真和鼓舞人的伴侣,即使是对于愤世嫉俗的可怜人和最最忧慢的人也一样。)
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