英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:02:50



英 [ˈmɔ:fi:n]

美 [ˈmɔ:rfi:n]


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1. an alkaloid narcotic drug extracted from opium
a powerful, habit-forming narcotic used to relieve pain

Synonym: morphia

1. 吗啡
Morphine is a drug used to relieve pain.

1. 吗啡[碱]:.urner从鸦片中分离出吗啡碱(morphine)以来,迄今已从自然界中分离得到约10000种生物碱类化合物. 在<>中收载的生物碱药物及其制剂达六十余种. 植物古柯中的有效成分古柯碱(cocaine)虽有很强的局部麻醉作用,

2. (药典) 吗啡:methadone (药典) 美沙酮 | morphine (药典) 吗啡 | pentazocine aa 镇痛新

3. 吗啡[镇痛药]:Morphethylbutyne 普罗吗酯[镇咳药] | Morphine 吗啡[镇痛药] | Morpholine Salicylate 水杨吗啉[解热镇痛药]

Thankfully, that's all it took to yank me back into my pain-ridden body as my mind (and likely my mouth) screamed for morphine.(谢天谢地,这样的恐惧把我拉回了这满是伤痛的身体,我的意识(和我的嘴一样),尖叫着要止疼药。)
"It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy, " she said in an interview today.(今天接受采访时,她说,“星期二那天晚上,我坐下来,顿时感到精神的振奋,那是一种极度的幸福感和喜悦感。”)
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 on the negative affection induced by withdrawal from acute morphine dependence in rats.(目的谷氨酸NMDA受体拮抗剂地卓西平(MK801)对大鼠急性吗啡依赖戒断性情绪反应的影响。)
Morphine physical dependence was induced on day 10 in SD rats by daily administration of morphine sulphate(MS), but not morphine hydrochloride(MH), in their drinking water.(在饮水中溶入硫酸吗啡,逐日提高吗啡浓度,SD大鼠在饮入吗啡后第10天产生明显的吗啡依赖。而同样方法饮入盐酸吗啡效果较差。)
Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream.(摄入了吗啡的老鼠很可能会发生血液中毒,因为通常存在于肠道的细菌会通过迁移到血液中来对吗啡做出反应。)
That led Dr Benedetti to wonder if the effect of legally administered pre-competition morphine might, perfectly legally, be carried over into a competition by giving a placebo .(这些发现让贝内代蒂博士猜测在赛前被允许合法使用的吗啡所产生的安慰剂效应是否可能持续到正式比赛。)
Objective: to observe the ultrastructure and synaptic number of cerebral regions related to psychological dependence in rats with different morphine dependent time.(目的:观察不同时程吗啡依赖大鼠心理依赖相关脑区超微结构和突触数量的变化。)
For this formulation of morphine, the manufacturer had to develop a safety program prior to approval to address the known risks of morphine misuse, abuse and overdose.(对于这种吗啡配方,在批准之前,生产商必须制定安全方案,以解决误用、滥用和过量使用吗啡等已知风险。)
She deserved it—she had lived there as Linda’s caretaker, never missed a medication or a chemo trip, always laundered the sheets, no matter how high she was off Linda’s morphine.(她住在那儿看护琳达,陪护琳达每次药物治疗和化疗,不管她注射了琳达用的吗啡后有多亢奋,总不忘浆洗床单。)
But by the end her sufferings were horrible, her abdomen badly burnt by the radiation treatment, the pain from her multiplying tumours far beyond the reach of morphine.(但是最终她的遭遇非常可怕,她的腹部被放射治疗灼伤的非常严重,肿瘤增殖给她带来的疼痛远远超过了吗啡的镇定作用。)
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