英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈmɔɪstʃə(r)]

美 [ˈmɔɪstʃɚ]


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  • 水分
  • 湿气
  • 潮湿
  • 水气
  • 湿润
  • 降雨
  • [U]水分,水汽,湿气 water, or other liquids, in small quantities or in the form of steam or mist



1. wetness caused by water

e.g. drops of wet gleamed on the window

Synonym: wet

1. 潮气;湿气;水分
Moisture is tiny drops of water in the air, on a surface, or in the ground.


e.g. When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant...
e.g. Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.


1. 水分:■■ 水分(MOISTURE) 水分(MOISTURE)制制冷冷系系统统中中的的水水分分会会对对空空调调系系统统产产生生极极大大的的危危害害. . ①①如如果果RR1122 空空调调系系统统中中存存在在水水分分,,

2. 湿度:法例只规定生产商列出关于概约蛋白质(Crude Protein)、概约脂肪(Crude Fat)、概约纤维素(Crude Fiber)和湿度(Moisture)滴含量分析. 若生产商额外滴提供关于其他营养滴分析,那你就能更了解此狗粮滴营养成分.

3. moisture

3. 潮湿:梧州地处岭南,北回归线经过其间,旧时为了结合南方潮湿(moisture)多雨及多洪易涝的气候特点,梧州建筑多采用骑楼形式,临街楼层可作商铺,楼上可住人. 骑楼形式既方便行人上街时遮阳挡雨,又可扩大楼房面积. 这些骑楼都有将近上百年的历史,

4. 滋润:一般在产品介绍的时候都会说,这个产品有补水保湿(hydrating)的功效,能让皮肤很滋润(moisture).

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • The desert air contains hardly any moisture.
  • The moisture in the air makes it humid today.
用作名词 (n.)
  • The last drop of moisture had long since evaporated.

    出自:C. McCullough
  • October, a clean moisture in the air.

    出自:Jayne Phillips
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的moistour,意为潮湿的。
With temperatures rising and more water vapor in the air, such storms can pull in more moisture and thus rain or snow more heavily than storms of old.(随着气温升高,空气中的水蒸气增多,这样的风暴会吸收更多的湿气,因此雨雪会比以前的风暴来得更猛烈。)
The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae.(真菌从岩石中吸收水分和矿物盐,并在代谢废物中传递这些物质,而这些废物向藻类提供营养。)
A microclimate is a group of climate conditions that affect a localized area, weather features like temperature, wind, moisture and so on.(小气候是一组影响局部地区的气候条件,如温度、风、湿度等天气特征。)
They require little water, perhaps because they obtain much of their moisture from their food.(可能由于它们从食物中摄取大部分的水分,它们几乎不需要水。)
Because warm air can hold more moisture than cool air, the relative humidity will be constant only if the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as the temperature rises.(因为温暖的空气比冷空气能容纳更多的湿气,所以只有当大气中的水蒸气量随着温度的升高而增加时,相对湿度才会保持不变。)
The sun is constantly evaporating the earth's moisture.(太阳使地球上的湿气不断蒸发。)
In many semiarid areas there is also a lower timberline where the forest passes into steppe or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of moisture.(在许多半干旱的地区中,同样存在树带界限的下限区域;在这片区域之内,由于缺乏水分,森林下沿区域的植被通常会逐渐变成干草原或沙漠。)
As this air is warmed and picks up moisture, it becomes lighter than the air above it.(当这些空气被加热并吸收了水分,它会变得比上面的空气轻。)
A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.(一条细细亮亮的水印爬过粗糙的水泥窗台。)
To prep the eye to receive the tooth and lens, the doctors placed a graft over the eye to promote moisture.(为了使眼睛做好接收牙齿和晶状体的准备,医生在眼睛上方放置一片移植物以增加水分。)
moisture是什么意思 moisture在线翻译 moisture什么意思 moisture的意思 moisture的翻译 moisture的解释 moisture的发音 moisture的同义词