英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:11:36



英 [ˈmɔ:sl]

美 [ˈmɔ:rsl]




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1. a small amount of solid food
a mouthful

e.g. all they had left was a bit of bread

Synonym: bitbite

2. a small quantity of anything

e.g. a morsel of paper was all he needed

1. 一点点,一小份(尤指食物)
A morsel is a very small amount of something, especially a very small piece of food.

e.g. ...a delicious little morsel of meat.

1. morsel的近义词

1. 少量:Morse 摩尔斯电码 | morsel 少量 | mort 号角声

2. 少量;分成小块:morseequation 莫尔斯方程 | morsel 少量;分成小块 | morsepotentialcurve 莫尔斯势曲线

3. (食物的)一口;一小份;一小:morrhuin 鳕肝毒 | morsal 嚼的;咬的 | morsel (食物的)一口;一小份;一小

4. 一口;一点点:vanity#虚荣心 | morsel#一口;一点点 | commotion#动乱

  • 经典引文

  • Frau Baumgartner took a morsel of food.

    出自:K. A. Porter
Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy each morsel of life as it comes.(有时候,慢慢的享受生活的一点一滴是很幸福的。)
The child could not even swallow a morsel, though she tried to eat out of obedience.(这孩子连一口也咽不下去,尽管她非常听话地想要吃下去。)
Miniature Yorkshire puddings with a morsel of beef and horseradish make a great canapé.(迷你的约克郡布丁配上一小块牛肉和辣根,做成了一个小饼干。)
Okay, now, here's the "after" shot of the carcass - they left barely a morsel.(好的,现在,这是尸体的“之后”景象—几乎被吃得干干净净。)
He cooks himself a meal — fillet of feline — and feeds a morsel of itto a stray rat.(他给自己做了一顿饭(猫肉片),并喂了一点给流浪鼠。)
Under the gaze of the starved father, the mother feeds the chick all sorts of goodies but not giving dad a morsel.(就在这饥饿父亲的注视下,企鹅妈妈把许多好东西喂给小企鹅吃,却一口也没有给企鹅爸爸吃。)
The fox finds a morsel and buries it, a precaution against an unpredictable future.(狐狸发现了一些食物并埋了起来,这是对不可预测的未来的一种防备。)
He offered me a morsel of food.(拈起一撮食物供养我。)
The hungry children did not leave a morsel of food on their plates.(饿了的孩子们没有在盘子里留下一点食物的碎屑。)
The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel.(前排的那些大腹便便的绅士们开始觉得她是一个可人的小东西。)
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