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英 [məˈmentəm]

美 [moʊˈmentəm]


名词复数: momenta

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  • 词典解释

  • 动力,冲力
  • 势头,气势,声势
  • 冲量
  • 要素
  • 推进力
  • 【火箭】总冲量
  • 惰性
  • 契机
  • 活力
  • 【物】动量(物体质量与速度的乘积)
  • 动向
  • 冲向
  • 力量
  • [U]动力,冲力,势头 force that increases the rate of development of a process; impetus
  • [U]运动量 quantity of motion of a moving object, measured as its mass multiplied by its velocity


1. the product of a body's mass and its velocity

e.g. the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities

2. an impelling force or strength

e.g. the car's momentum carried it off the road

Synonym: impulse

1. 势头;冲劲;动力
If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.

e.g. This campaign is really gaining momentum...
e.g. They are each anxious to maintain the momentum of the search for a solution.

2. (物理学中的)动量,冲量
In physics, momentum is the mass of a moving object multiplied by its speed in a particular direction.

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • The movement to change the union's constitution is slowly gathering momentum.
  • The style prevails and picks up momentum.
  • The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill.
用作名词 (n.)
  • His momentum rolled him over and over down the incline.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • Tiredness vanished as the narrative gathered momentum.

    出自:R. Hayman
  • Teenage friendships tend to develop their own momentum.

    出自:E. Pawel
Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum.(我们计划改变能源系统时必须考虑的另一种动力是劳动力池动力。)
By far, the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy system is economic momentum.(到目前为止,改变我们能源系统的最大动力类型是经济动力。)
In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum.(在物理学中,运动的物体有两个特征与理解能量系统动力学相关:惯性和动量。)
You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.(如果你愿意,可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是它给了这份报纸一种惊人的思想和原则动力。)
They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game.(在比赛的下半场,他们的势头就逐渐减弱。)
One kind of momentum is technological momentum.(有一种动力是技术动力。)
The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003.(自2003年以来,世界艺术品市场在经历了令人困惑的上涨之后,已经丧失了其增长势头有一段时间。)
An interacting—and complicating—phenomenon is wind-to-water transfer of momentum that occurs when waves are formed.(一种相互作用且复杂的现象是波浪形成时发生的风向水的动量传递。)
The momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there.(白炽灯的发展势头并未就此止步。)
Momentum is said to be "conserved", that is, once you build it up, it has to go somewhere.(动量被称为“守恒”,也就是说,一旦你把它建立起来,它就得去某个地方。)
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