英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:10:24


英 [maɪ'ɒpɪk]

美 [ maɪˈɑpɪk]


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  • 近视的(指远处物体看起来模糊不清)
  • 缺乏远见的(指在考虑或计划时缺少辨别力或远见)


1. lacking foresight or scope

e.g. a short view of the problem
shortsighted policies
shortsighted critics derided the plan
myopic thinking

Synonym: shortshortsightedunforesightful

2. unable to see distant objects clearly

Synonym: nearsightedshortsighted

1. 近视:1.无晶状体(aphakic)无晶状体的病人有较高的机会得到视网膜剥离,特别是手术时造成的玻璃体丧失,甚至平时无害的周边小孔洞有可能会在白内障手术之后引起视网膜剥离. 2.近视(myopic)的病人较易得到视网膜剥离,在近视的病人身上发现裂孔要比在一般没近视的人身上发现要时更谨慎.

2. 短视:4、管理者的短视(myopic)行为. 一般而言,由于企业管理者的金钱和非金钱方面的收益主要取决于其在职期间的经营业绩,所以管理者可能仅仅关心其在职期间的企业业绩表现,而不考虑其退位之后企业的发展. 在这种情况下,

3. 近视的:disfavour 讨厌, 不赞成,失宠 不赞成,冷待 | myopic 近视的 | masked group 掩蔽(原子)团

4. 近视眼的:myopia 近视者 | myopic 近视眼的 | myopic eye 近视眼

  • 经典引文

  • She was very fair, with huge myopic blue eyes.

    出自:A. Pryce
  • Eyes scarcely visible behind thick myopic lenses.

    出自:M. West
  • They had been very myopic about the whole thing.

Probably myopic, but I must complete the refraction to be sure.(看来你是近视眼,但还需要验光检查来证实。)
Contrary to the views of more myopic partners, Bob Baldwin saw Morgan Stanley as fighting for its life [in the late '60s and early' 70s].(和更多目光短浅的合作伙伴的观点相反,鲍勃·鲍德温将摩根·士丹利视为一场为争取其寿命而进行的斗争[六十年代晚期及七十年代初期]。)
Does the operation treat myopic meeting to there is sequela?(手术治疗近视会有后遗症吗?)
And heaven knows we need that; most of us are way too myopic, constipated and chickenshit about fees.(天会晓得我们需要什么。我们关于费用的想法大部分是短视的,呆滞的和不值一谈的。)
The mandate is there because people are myopic.(强制的必要是因为人们很短视。)
How many temptations have the power to cloud the heart's vision and to make it myopic!(多少诱惑蒙住了我们心灵的双目,让我们短视。)
Ma categorizes those who fail as often being myopic to opportunity.(马云认为那些失败的人通常都是因为没有看到机遇。)
If markets are myopic, then the dollar will continue to strengthen for the moment.(如果市场是短视的,那么眼下美元将继续升值。)
boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.(内尔的弟弟,时常喝得酩酊大醉的纳赛尔,无视兄长的反对,给他那迂腐而近视的表姐(妹)索娜娅买了一副眼镜。)
I was an awkward child. Tall, gangly, and, like everyone else in my family, severely myopic.(我是一个不讨人喜欢的孩子,瘦高个,还像我家里的每个人一样,眼睛严重近视。)
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