英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈpredʒədɪst]

美 [ ˈprɛdʒədɪst]



  • 详情解释

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  • 有成见的
  • 怀偏见的
  • 偏爱的
  • 偏心的
  • 动词prejudice的过去时和过去分词


1. being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand

e.g. a prejudiced judge

Synonym: discriminatory

2. emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices

1. 心怀偏见的;有成见的;偏爱的
A person who is prejudiced against someone has an unreasonable dislike of them. A person who is prejudiced in favour of someone has an unreasonable preference for them.

e.g. Some landlords and landladies are racially prejudiced...
e.g. I like to think I'm not prejudiced.

1. 有成见的;偏颇的:objective客观的 | prejudiced有成见的;偏颇的 | persuasive有说服力的

2. 怀偏见的:prejudice 偏见 | prejudiced 怀偏见的 | prejudicial 存有偏见的


3. 有偏见的:146.faultless完美的; | 147.prejudiced有偏见的; | 148.oversimplified过于简单化的;

4. 不公平的,偏见的:partial 不公平的 | prejudiced 不公平的,偏见的 | lucid adj. 1. 明白的;清晰的 2. 神志清明的

  • 经典引文

  • The defence counsel was determined to show up Roche as a prejudiced witness.

    出自:R. Travers
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

In other words, everybody mistakenly believes that they are not prejudiced.(换句话说,每个人都错误地认为自己没有偏见。)
"Migrants shouldn't be treated so cruelly," says a despairing parent. "They are so prejudiced towards us."(“不应该这样野蛮的对待外来务工者”,一位绝望的家长说,“他们对我们太不公平了。”)
They are prejudiced against older applicants.(他们对年长一些的申请人抱有成见。)
Some of the standards seemed prejudiced.(一些标准似乎带有偏见。)
My boss is prejudiced.(我的老板有偏见。)
Mrs. Darling was prejudiced in Wendy's favour, and Mr. Darling was really the grander character of the two.(达琳夫人是偏心温迪,而达琳先生实际上是他们两人中比较高尚的一个。)
These negative feelings are taught and reinforced by the prejudiced persons' peer groups.(这些负面情绪被带有歧视态度的同伴团体不断灌输和强化。)
I think your upbringing has prejudiced you.(我认为你的教养使你抱有偏见。)
Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.(你作判断时要尽量做到不存偏见。)
Now we know why she was prejudiced against the redskins.(现在我们知道她为什么对红皮肤的印第安人有偏见了。)
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