The result is a perfect nadir.(其结果是一个完美的最低点。)
1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman's presidency.(1945至1946年是杜鲁门总统生涯的最低点。)
Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir commonly known as the mid-life crisis.(从青年到中年这一段是走下坡路的,一直到达最低点,也就是大家所熟知的中年危机。)
At the market's nadir in early March, stock investors had lost more than 50% since March 2000, if you factored in inflation.(在今年年初三月份股市跌到最低点的时候,如果将通货膨胀计算在内的话,股票投资者自2000年3月以来已经损失了超过50%。)
The decline in revenue collections for the city and state will likely reach its nadir this year, he said.(纽约市和州的税收将下降,并且会触及今年的最低点,他说。)
Less than six years on, they seem to have reached a post-Soviet nadir.(不过还不到六年,两国关系看起来就像又回到了苏联解体后的最低点。)
It feel as if we have traveled from nadir to zenith.(感觉上我们好像已从天底走到了天顶。)
This failure was the nadir of her career.(这次失败是她事业上的低谷。)
The 'Cupola', attached to the nadir side of the Space Station, gives a panoramic view of our beautiful planet.(‘Cupola’,附着在空间站的最底侧,让我们能看到我们美丽星球的全景。)
The issue has pushed the already strained relations between the two Koreas to a nadir, said analysts.(分析人士称,此次事件已经使两韩本已紧张的关系再次激化。)
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