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英 [ˌnju:məˈrɒlədʒi]

美 [ˌnu:məˈrɑ:lədʒi]


形容词: numerological 名词: numerologist

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. the study of the supposed occult influence of numbers on human affairs

1. 数字学:[size=2]数字学(Numerology)简介 如果对塔罗牌有兴趣的朋友,一定也会对数字学(Numerology)有探究的欲望. 因为在不知从何时开始,世界不知不觉地演变到一个条码时代 (Bar-Code) 如果不相信? 您大可以看看您周遭的所有商品, 是不是大

2. numerology是什么意思

2. 命理学 (名):numerically 数字上, 用数表示地 (副) | numerology 命理学 (名) | numerous 很多的, 多数的, 数目众多的 (形)

But Underwood Dudley, retired professor of mathematics at Depauw University and author of 'Numerology,' says he wasn't able to verify any of these.(但迪普奥大学(DepauwUniversity)退休数学教授、《数字命理学》作者达德利(UnderwoodDudley)表示,他无法对这些说法予以证实。)
In the mean time, in regard to the two schools of the image-numerology and meaning-pattern in the Yi studies, the latter turned out to be the mainstream in the Song dynasty.(同时,在易学研究的象数与义理的两大方向中,义理之学成为宋代易学的主流。)
Everyone is noble, but often we because don't understand geomancy numerology and related knowledge, and thus missed the opportunity to change the fate of.(每个人都是有贵人的,但是往往我们因为不懂风水学和命理相关的知识,从而错失改变命运的机会。)
In general, his theories are based on the followings: ancient mathematics, geometry, numerology and astrology.(大体而言,他的理论基于以下几种学科:古代数学、几何学、占数学和占星学。)
Mathematics is not numerology; it is not concerned with "supernatural" properties of Numbers. It is not accountancy; nor is it restricted to arithmetic.(数学是不是命理,它是不关心“超自然”属性的数字。这不是会计,也不是仅限于算术。)
The validity of such numerology is an open question .(如此的数字学的真实性还是一个值得探讨的问题。)
The “Lucky Lion” is attractively presented in a decorative folder capturing the significance of Chinese numerology and is encased in a protective, clear, acid-free polymersleeve .(“金狮”吉利钱用防酸的透明聚合物保护套封起来,贴在一个装饰精美的折叠卡片上。卡片上的图案处处透着中国命理学的玄机。)
Numerology in terms of elegant divides a lot of kinds, in reality both what kind of elegant, are in difficulties can help us, then the job magnate is a financial magnate.(命理学来讲贵人分很多种,现实中无论是哪种贵人,都是在遇到困难时能够帮助我们的人,那么求职中的贵人就是财源贵人。)
Therefore, this study will use receive research as the stand point of analysis to explore the numerology information experience of the audience, and the meaning in the media affect.(因此,本研究将利用接收分析为立论点,从受众对于网络算命“意义理解”的角度,来探讨受众的命理讯息经验及其中媒介影响的意涵。)
In some schools of numerology, the number 12 is considered to be the representation of perfection and completion.(在一些数字命理学流派看来,数字12代表着完美和完整。)
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