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更新时间:2024-06-24 19:51:19



英 [ˈneɪmləs]

美 [ˈnemlɪs]


副词: namelessly 名词: namelessness

  • 英英释义

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1. being or having an unknown or unnamed source

e.g. a poem by an unknown author
corporations responsible to nameless owners
an unnamed donor

Synonym: unidentifiedunknownunnamed

1. 不知其名的;无名的
You describe people or things as nameless when you do not know their name or when they do not have a name.

e.g. They can have their cases rejected, without reasons being given, by nameless officials.

2. 不宜说出名字(或名称)的
If you say that someone or something will remain nameless, you mean that you will not mention their name, often because you do not want to embarrass them.

e.g. A local friend who shall be nameless warned me that I was in for trouble soon.

1. nameless的解释

1. 无名的:name 名字;姓 | nameless 无名的 | namely 即

2. nameless的翻译

2. 无名字的,隐名的:impair削弱 | nameless:无名字的,隐名的 | grace:(动作的)优美,优雅

3. nameless

3. 未名:200815 未名 NAMELESS | 200814 黑格比 Hagupit | 200813 森拉克 Sinlaku

  • 经典引文

  • Nameless in dark oblivion let them dwell.

In this case, the lambda function remains nameless: It is created inline as a parameter to the array_filter function.(在本例中,lambda函数保持没有名字:它是在内侧作为array_filter函数的参数来创建的。)
Not to mention those moving cases of nameless drivers saving lives in traffic accidents.(更不用说一些无名司机拯救交通事故受害者们的感人故事。)
Sometimes when I want to say something bold, I stay silent because I just imagine a nameless disaster.(有时我想勇敢说出来,但是我沉默了因为我想象了一个无以言表的灾难。)
A nameless author wrote that book.(那本书是一位无名作者写的。)
Tell how the Nameless, condemned for years long 25.(告诉人们无名者,这多年来被控。)
I was seized by a nameless horror.(我为不可名状的恐慌所控制。)
Jet Li is Nameless in Hero.(在《英雄》中李连杰无名寂寂。)
There, many thousands of years ago, a nameless people reverently buried their loved ones.(就在数千年前的此地,一群无名无姓的人虔诚地埋葬了他们所深爱的人。)
I run across hills and dales, I wander through nameless lands — because I am hunting for the golden stag.(我翻山越谷,我游遍许多无名的土地——因为我在追逐金鹿。)
According to the memorandum, a so far nameless new company will be producing the Cell CPU and the RSX chip.(据这份备忘录显示,一家还没命名的公司将承担生产Cell及RSX的任务。)
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