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英 [ˈnʌrɪʃmənt]

美 [ˈnɜ:rɪʃmənt]



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  • 营养
  • 养育
  • 滋养
  • 营养状况
  • 滋养品
  • 营养品
  • 养料
  • 食物
  • 养分
  • 滋补的东西
  • 填沙
  • 补给
  • [U]滋养品; 营养 sth that nourishes; food


1. the act of nourishing

e.g. her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives

2. a source of materials to nourish the body

Synonym: nutrimentnutritionsustenancealimentalimentationvictuals

1. 食物;滋养品;营养
If something provides a person, animal, or plant with nourishment, it provides them with the food that is necessary for life, growth, and good health.

e.g. The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow...
e.g. He was unable to take nourishment for several days.

2. 滋养;吸收营养
The action of nourishing someone or something, or the experience of being nourished, can be referred to as nourishment .

e.g. Sugar gives quick relief to hunger but provides no lasting nourishment.

1. nourishment

1. 食物、营养品:nourishing 有营养的、滋养多的 | nourishment 食物、营养品 | nuclear 核子的、原子能的、中心的

2. 营养物:(海蚀)地 notch | 营养物 nourishment | 核能 nuclear energy

3. 滋养品:nourishing 有营养的 | nourishment 滋养品 | nous 常识

  • 常用例句

  • The soil gives no nourishment to the plants.
  • There is much nourishment in milk.
He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.(他试探着提出了植物从空气中吸取它们的部分养分的观点。)
It will be the biggest nourishment for your starving mind and even body.(重要的是,你的头脑和身体可以因此得到滋养。)
Art, he says, supplies "spiritual nourishment".(他说“艺术,是提供精神食粮的”。)
Our roots grow deep as we anchor ourselves in the Lord, drawing our spiritual nourishment from Him.(当我们依靠我们的主的时候,我们不断的汲取他的精神营养,根亦越扎越深。)
It takes all day to find the nourishment my sheep need.(我们得花一整天的时间寻找我的羊群需要的滋养。)
They'll die of starvation if they can't be persuaded to take some nourishment.(如果不能说服他们吃点有营养的东西,他们会饿死的。)
Because we do not rest, we lost our way.We lose the nourishment that gives us succor.(因为我们从不休息,以致迷失了方向。失去了为我们补充能量的营养。)
It is important to think about food as nourishment rather than just something to swallow.(重要的是,要把食物当作营养品,而不仅仅是要吞咽的东西。)
The man knew there was no nourishment in the berries, but he chewed them patiently with a hope greater than knowledge and defying experience.(这个人知道这种浆果并没有养份,但是他仍怀着一种不顾道理和蔑视经验的希望,耐心地咀嚼着它们。)
Blood also distributes nourishment from the digestive system and hormones from glands.(血液还把消化系统产生的营养和腺体分泌的激素传输到全身各处。)
nourishment是什么意思 nourishment在线翻译 nourishment什么意思 nourishment的意思 nourishment的翻译 nourishment的解释 nourishment的发音 nourishment的同义词