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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:19:05



英 [ˈnɑ:sɪsɪzəm]

美 [ˈnɑ:rsɪsɪzəm]


形容词: narcissistic 副词: narcissistically 异体字: narcism 名词: narcissist

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  • 自我陶醉
  • 自恋
  • 自赏
  • 自我欣赏
  • 自体观窥欲
  • 自爱欲


1. an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself

e.g. self-love that shut out everyone else

Synonym: self-lovenarcism

1. 自我陶醉;孤芳自赏;自恋
Narcissism is the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.


e.g. Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.

1. 自恋狂:33.自恋狂(narcissism)--老人表现得对自己极度崇拜. 工作员应提供老人一些活动机会去达到成就感,对事而非对人. 34.着魔(obsession)--同强迫性行为差不多,唯一分别是案主一生都受此影响. 工作员人要尝试把案主的意念从萦徊之事物转移至相关的活动上,

  • 经典引文

  • His preening beauty, which borders upon the physically repulsive in its narcissism.

    出自:B. Trapido
However, among individuals who displayed other forms of narcissism, the outcomes are less ideal.(然而,表现出其它自恋形式的个人,结果却不太理想。)
That is narcissism, not discipleship.(这是自恋,不是主的门徒。)
Start by defining narcissism, because I think it means different things to different people.(首先对于自恋的定义,我想,对于不同的人,这意味着不同的东西吧。)
And that's the other problem with narcissism: it's hard to study because almost no one admits to having it.(自恋的另一个问题是:很难习得,因为几乎没有人承认自己自恋。)
Q: Start by defining narcissism, because I think it means different things to different people.(问:首先对于自恋的定义,我想,对于不同的人,这意味着不同的东西吧。)
Q: How do we build security in our kids without breeding narcissism?(问:我们怎样培养我们孩子的安全感而不会产生自恋呢?)
Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.(被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。)
It is scary how often deals are done for reasons of ego or narcissism.(可怕的是,在太多情况下,交易的达成都是出于自负或自恋。)
But can they measure our narcissism?(但是,他们能否测出我们的自恋?)
Is Constant Texting a Sign of Insecurity, Narcissism or Both?(常发短信是心神不定的征兆、自恋,还是两者都是?)
narcissism是什么意思 narcissism在线翻译 narcissism什么意思 narcissism的意思 narcissism的翻译 narcissism的解释 narcissism的发音 narcissism的同义词