英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈneglɪdʒəns]

美 [ˈnɛɡlɪdʒəns]


  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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  • [U]疏忽,粗心大意 failure to take enough care over sth that you are responsible for


1. failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances

Synonym: carelessnessneglectnonperformance

2. the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern

Synonym: neglectneglectfulness

1. 疏忽;失误;失职
If someone is guilty of negligence, they have failed to do something which they ought to do.

e.g. The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence.

1. negligence什么意思

1. 玩忽职守:六、玩忽职守(Negligence) 世贸大楼的倒塌在世界各地-从开罗到安曼,从伦敦到巴黎-激发了极为广泛的支持美国的情绪. 但是,在短短十九个月的时间里,我们的政府就已经设法将这笔资产浪费殆荆由于未能揪出奥萨玛.本.拉登而在这一失败的嘲弄下恼羞成怒,


2. 疏忽大意:得知真相后,麦考尔夫妇以医生疏忽大意(negligence)为由一纸诉状将医生及昆士兰州政府告上昆士兰州高等法院,要求被告承担巨额的赔偿金. 2000年8月23日,昆士兰高等法院作(2000)285号判决,内容为:第一,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The accident was due to negligence.
  • Imputing every deficience to criminal negligence.

    出自:S. Johnson
  • Leaving things lying aboutsa habit of infuriating negligence.

    出自:E. Taylor
  • The accident was clearly caused by negligence.

  • 词义讲解

negligence, neglect
  • 这两个词都可表示“疏忽”。
  • 1.neglect往往着重指行动有“该做而没做”的含意,针对“疏忽或弃置工作”而言,表示有意识地明知故犯; negligence特指人或团体对工作的态度不认真,或责任心不强,疏忽大意、粗心等,往往有经常不注意的意思,表示习性。
  • 2.若指人的外表时, neglect是“疏忽”意味较强的用法,表示“邋遢,不整洁的仪表”; negligence只是指“不追求时髦,不专心打扮”。
  • 相关列句
    Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.(据说医务人员的玩忽职守是她死亡的原因之一。)
    In his article the author is critical of man's negligence toward his environment.(作者在文章中,对人类疏忽自身环境作了批评。)
    Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures.(原因常常是疏忽大意和松懈的安全措施。)
    The company was guilty of gross negligence.(该公司犯了重大的失职罪。)
    The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence.(士兵们被控玩忽职守,被要求接受纪律委员会审查。)
    Nearly half of all negligence cases decided through 1896 involved railroads.(在1896年审理的所有过失案件中,近一半案件是涉及铁路的。)
    MAL denies any negligence and says the reservoir met the required standards when inspected.(MAL否认是他们的过失,说废料池在接受检查时符合标准。)
    The court overturned the jury's decision because it argued that the railroad's negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings.(法院推翻了陪审团的决定,因为法院认为,铁路的疏忽只是造成最近建筑物损坏的直接原因。)
    In regard to negligence, think of duty broadly as an obligation to protect the safety of others.(在论及过失时,应当视责任为广义的保护他人安全的义务。)
    Captain Loben Maund was court-martialled for negligence in February 1942.(1942年2月,洛本·蒙德上尉因疏忽被法院起诉。)
    negligence是什么意思 negligence在线翻译 negligence什么意思 negligence的意思 negligence的翻译 negligence的解释 negligence的发音 negligence的同义词