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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:23:19


英 [ˈnestlɪŋ]

美 [ˈnɛstlɪŋ, ˈnɛs-]



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  • 婴儿
  • 刚孵出的雏鸟
  • 幼小动物
  • 未离巢的小鸟
  • 动词nestle的现在分词形式


1. young bird not yet fledged

Synonym: baby bird

2. a young person of either sex

e.g. she writes books for children
they're just kids
`tiddler' is a British term for youngster

Synonym: childkidyoungsterminorshavernippersmall frytiddlertiketykefry

1. 雏鸟;幼鸟
A nestling is a young bird that has not yet learned to fly.

e.g. She fluttered around me like a mother bird at her nestlings.
e.g. ...nestling cuckoos.

1. 婴儿:nestle 挨靠 | nestling 婴儿 | Nestorian 基督教派的


2. 未离巢的雏鸟:nesting 营巢 | nestling 未离巢的雏鸟 | nestling bird 未离巢的雏鸟

3. 雛鳥:nesting territory 營巢領域 | nestling 雛鳥 | net assimilation rate; NAR 淨同化率


4. 尚未离巢的小鸟:mulish 骡一样执拗的 | nestling 尚未离巢的小鸟 | nit 幼虫

At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents.(这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。)
Nearby, nestling in the hills, was the children's home.(孩子们的家就在附近的山里。)
NESTLING in the rolling valleys of central France, between fields of wheat and grazing cows, the village of Donzy seems from another age.(隐蔽在法国中部高低起伏的山谷之中、麦田与牧牛场之间的东兹(donzy)村似乎来自另一个时代。)
The weight of fresh nestling did not influence their growth.(普通鸬鹚刚出壳体重对它们的成长不造成任何影响。)
I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.(我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。)
The principle of the ultrasonic level detection with the probe nestling the bottom and the method of data processing are introduced.(介绍探头贴底式超声液位检测原理和数据处理方法。)
Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains.(他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。)
The handsome Castle she cast a hazy veil, a change in the past the majestic, gently nestling in the bosom of the earth, quiet like a girl.(那俊秀的青山被她蒙上了朦胧的面纱,一改往日的雄壮,温柔地偎依在大地的怀抱,恬静得像一位少女。)
Time and again, Mr. Heaney returns to the image of the pen. He began his long career writing of such a pen, nestling snug as a gun between finger and thumb.(希尼先生一次又一次回到了“笔”这个意象中。他开始了他漫长的写作生涯,这支笔就像一支枪,舒适地依偎在他的手指和拇指之间。)
A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food.(一个典型的例子就是鸣禽的雏鸟在父母带着食物归巢时所表现出的吵闹的乞食行为。)
nestling是什么意思 nestling在线翻译 nestling什么意思 nestling的意思 nestling的翻译 nestling的解释 nestling的发音 nestling的同义词