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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:24:33
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1. Additionally, questions about the club's shaky finances have dominated local news coverage all week.

2. Li asked CNS to improve its news coverage so as to consolidate and expand its influence among overseas Chinese.

3. Some French media poured oil over flames and sparked a more wide spread indignation among the Chinese by their distorted reporting and fabricated news coverage.

4. The photographers from six Asian countries are to be awarded in a ceremony today in Beijing for their depictions ranging from news to sports coverage.

5. Since sensationalism is a common occurrence in media performance, many worry the practice will adversely redefine news and news coverage.

6. The dedicated day for all children around the globe will now receive multimedia and traditional news coverage from more than 500 media organizations worldwide.

7. Then they denounce any place that receives negative news coverage or any people whose opinions differ from theirs.

8. Yet this massive death toll provokes no discernible fear in the developed world, and receives virtually no news coverage.

9. Syria's state news agency and TV station have made an extensive coverage on the quake, saying the Chinese government has set disaster relief work its top priority.

10. The Tuscaloosa News Staff in Alabama won breaking news reporting Pulitzer for its enterprising coverage of a deadly tornado.

news coverage

1. Phytopathology News is the monthly newsletter of the American Phytopathological Society, providing current coverage of society activities.

2. A mainstream news program of a City TV station can be defined as a combination of anchor-desk reporting and live coverage which brings the audience news and headlines in a fast-moving, timely, brief and objective manner.

3. Being punitive against the news organisation or individual journalist might on ly provoke more spiteful coverage.

4. More and more, the critical coverage of the government institutions and officials has boomed in Chinese news outlets, which arises abundant concerns, both of appraisals and scrutinies, in Chinese public and academic circles.

5. news coverage是什么意思

5. Observe the differences in the volume and proportion of the press coverage, as well as peer evaluation, relative to the diversities in the activities of media relations. Method: The full-text datum of the study, the 2713 hospital coverage with the mention of the sample hospitals, is collected from three domestic databases- 1455 pieces (53.6%) from Udndata; 575 pieces (21.2%) from Chinatimes; 683 pieces (25.2%) from Central News Agency. After examination, only 2658 pieces are adopted.

6. Here are a few rules of thumb to determine if you have a news angle worthy of press coverage. First, is the subject relevant to anyone outside of your organization?
这里列举了一些经验法则来决定,如果你有一个新闻角度值得新闻界coverage.first ,是受到有关泄露到你的组织?

7. This paper examines the domestication and tabloidization of international news, taking the coverage of 2005 WTO meeting in Taiwan`s main newspapers as an example.
中文摘要:2005 年12 月在香港举行的WTO 会议,讨论农产品出口补贴政策,照例有各国官员与反全球化人士集结,又由於我国社运团体大规模前往抗议、社运人士及学生被捕,引发媒体高度关注,成为检验我国媒体如何将国际新闻国内化与小报化的案例。

8. news coverage的解释

8. By examining international news coverage in two prestigious daily newspapers in Taiwan, this researcher took a content analysis approach, building up indexes of tabloidization to measure the tendency toward tabloidization over the past decade.

9. The evening of August 6, Beidaihe resort homes use space to receive services, organizations of all cadres and workers watched carefully measured a group of advanced country deeds of news coverage and discussion forum.

10. news coverage的反义词

10. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, childrens programmes and films for an annual licence fee of£83 per household.

11. news coverage

11. Some time ago, network television reproduced the boiling point of the Taiwan entertainment news site, news reports in Hong Kong star Michelle Reis pregnancy news, but recently a tight costumes Michelle Reis friend's birthday party, attended by the facts to illustrate that he did not pregnancy, one is discourage frivolous entertainment media coverage, and secondly also explained that she and her husband Xu晋亨plan-making or in the failure of the state.


12. It must reflect that diversity with their news coverage or risk losing their readers` interest and their advertisers` support.

13. It seems elementary that this should be the primary goal of an eSports coverage website but unfortunately many international news writers –I call them news writers because I fear that we are only graced with a handful of real journalists –focus too much energy on trying to bring down their rivals and fight for the recognition of their work they feel they deserve that they lose sight of the community.

14. August 20, President of Xinhua News Agency Li Congjun at the Beijing Olympic Games Main Press Center in front of the dispatch center, met with Pierre Louette, president of Agence France-Presse, Xinhua, deputy director of the Olympic coverage Zhou Xisheng, head of Mission, accompanied by the meeting.

15. Two important news issues were chosen for the case study Results of this research showed that the election coverage of CTV and FTV were most biased.

16. In this campaign, the Central News sent a crack unit is not only involved in interviews and coverage of press releases and program content of strict control, and time and layout arrangements, coverage capacity, reported that the frequency inferior give great support to meet the.

17. Daytime trial coverage was branded as Court TV News, and primetime and weekend programming was branded as Court TV: Seriously Entertaining.

18. I learned a few years in the system Journalism Studies, Communication Studies, radio and television news coverage, TV camera and program production, media business and management, television feature film writing, public relations, news psychology.


19. Foreign policy-making the simplest and most direct way is to increase an event or issue advocacy, public and government attention in the international news coverage is limited, This approach often proved to be effective.

20. International news coverage of justice, should be to Zhejiang Huangyan District of Taizhou City are regional, careful look at the past few days seriously thought responsible for the country: Address: yellow long way to the north, east of New Church Road, west of Huangyan Health School, south of Century Boulevard, the residential areas by the middle of the curse of the factory!

Though news coverage initially reported gunfire at the J.W. Marriott, the hotel was never attacked and my family escaped unharmed.(虽然新闻媒体最先报道了万豪酒店的枪击事件,但是万豪并未被袭击,我的家人也毫发未伤地逃离了酒店。)
Yours truly will be attending the event Thursday and providing live blog and news coverage.(我们将出席周四的活动,并提供直播博客和新闻报道。)
A separate news Hub provides breaking world and entertainment news coverage.(另外还提供一些分散的世界新闻和娱乐报道。)
Because of alarmist news coverage, the general public often believes that the greatest threat to children is from strangers.(由于一些耸人听闻的新闻报道,大众常常认为孩子最大的安全隐患来自于陌生人。)
Instead, it was part of CNN's strategy of relying less on outside media outlets for news coverage.(相反,这是CNN自主战略的一部分。CNN正在努力减少自己在新闻报道上对外部媒体机构的依赖。)
Among the other use cases featured by Ustream are live streams from conferences, news coverage, and online personals.(Ustream的其他使用案例还包括协作完成会议直播流,新闻报道,以及网上个人事物。)
Can you remember a story idea you pitched a year ago that resulted in no news coverage of any kind?(一年前你给媒体发送了一些新闻素材,后来都没见报。你还记得那些新闻点吗?)
Australian news coverage was less sympathetic towards the whalers.(澳大利亚的新闻报道对捕鲸者则不那么同情。)
Now, in addition to preparation of the reporter and competence of the news source, there is one more important ingredient in successful news coverage, that is the nature of the questions asked.(现在,除了记者的准备工作和新闻来源的竞争力,成功的新闻报道还有一个重要的因素,那就是所提问题的性质。)
This is an event contrived to create news coverage where none had been considered warranted.(这是一件刻意制造新闻报道的事件,且没有人认为这是有根据的。)
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