英语单词分类 轻松记单词
1. Brown wrote in the Sun newspaper on Saturday that anyone discredited by the scandals of recent weeks would not stand again as a Labour candidate.
2. Many local citizens said they don't understand why they aren't allowed to buy a bottle of water at a newspaper stand any more.
3. The country's independent Geo news channel reported on Saturday that Musharraf reiterated his stand at a meeting of Pakistani newspaper editors.
1. I want to go to the kiosk/newspaper stand to buy a newspaper.
2. newspaper stand的近义词
2. I want to go to the newspaper stand.
3. How can I get to the newspaper stand?
4. John: Oh, you can get one at a newspaper stand.
5. newspaper stand的反义词
5. You can get one at a newspaper stand.
6. newspaper stand的意思
6. John:Oh, you can get one at a newspaper stand.
7. I don ` t know. Why don ` t you go and buy a newspaper at the news-stand?
8. Such as ground ash barrel, sign stand, newspaper stand, umbrellas stand, baggage trolley, liquor trolley, and other series.
9. Open a newspaper booth to place a smoke vendor's stand, devoted cost is far more than these.
10. Some simple password: feminism, stand at attention, a few newspaper, Xiangyoukanji to XX as a baseline to disperse on both sides, the two teams have launched Lu Wang Wang teams make left turns, turn backward, right turn.
11. newspaper stand的解释
11. A famous writer, Sydney Harries, and his friend went to buy newspapers from a newspaper stand
12. It's available at the newspaper stand over there.
13. They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand.
14. We have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services, a newspaper stand, a billiard, table tennis, video games and so on.
15. newspaper stand的反义词
15. On April 25, yao Wenbin of CEO of control interesting science and technology expresses to our newspaper reporter, net of be enslaved to be enslaved to fast, the element such as habit of endowment cost, user, inside period of time, stand-alone game remains the main aspect of market of mobile phone game.
16. This day is also likely to stand, the newspaper might have added, as the day which sounded the death knell of imperialism in Asia.
17. This text makes efforts to offer the local newspaper office some suggestion how to do the special column well while pointing out these drawbacks, in the hope of making the local newspaper stand firm in keen competition, growing with time.
18. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office
19. Is the newspaper of the traditional flat surface medium, its advantage where, this kind of advantage can make the newspaper stand firm a heel to stand together in the invincible position in the market of the future vehemence the competition.
20. Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content. Participants made a newspaper tower that can stand on itself for ten seconds.