英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:27:26



英 [ˈnəʊmæd]

美 [ˈnoʊmæd]


形容词: nomadic 副词: nomadically 名词: nomadism

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  • 流浪者
  • 游牧民
  • 游牧部落的人
  • 游牧民的一员
  • 游民
  • 游牧生活
  • 流浪生活
  • 游牧民族
  • 牧羊人(澳大利亚研制的一种运输机)
  • 游牧的
  • 流浪的


1. a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons

1. 游牧民;游牧部落的人
A nomad is a member of a group of people who travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time.

e.g. ...a country of nomads who raise cattle and camels.

1. nomad

1. (烈火青春:1987年与王家卫一同加入影之杰制作公司,制作<>(Nomad). 1987年,独自导演了处女作<>(Haunted Cop Shop). 1990年与元奎共同执导<>(All for the Winner)成名.

2. 游牧民族:1.进入沙漠后,首先先找到任何一个沙漠中的部落,然后进入那个部落,和游牧民族(nomad)交谈,问他地图(map)所指位置的方向,仔细看他所说的方向后,再乘骆驼前往.

3. 诺马德:诺马德(Nomad)贝都因式珠宝. 电话;933463. 埃及萨阿德(Saad Of Egypt)银首饰. 哈利利市场(电话:921401)西尔加尼(Sirgany)金首饰

  • 经典引文

  • The pipeliner is a nomad; he goes where the job is.

    出自:Petroleum Today
  • The Bedu are originally nomads, each tribe wandering within its own tribal boundaries.

    出自:G. L. Harding
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There's always a bit of the nomad inside a Sagittarian, and that is a very lovable quality in you.(射手座有点游牧民族的因子在里面,那是你非常可爱的品质。)
His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a "global nomad."(他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。)
He thought of calling his cafe the "Gypsy Spirit Mission", which also captures the theme of mobility, but settled for the simpler Nomad.(他想给他的咖啡馆起名为‘吉普赛人的使命’,它符合流动性的含义,但‘流浪者’更加简单明了。)
One of the best things for a nomad, who obviously doesn't fit into the general lifestyle of Western society, is meeting other nomads.(对一个流浪者来说最好的事情之一就是遇见其他流浪者(显然流浪者不适合西方社会的普遍的生活方式)。)
I think these devices facilitate our inner digital nomad.(我认为这些设备丰富了我们的数字生活。)
This presents a lovely scene: a grassy plateau spotted with dark juniper bushes and scattered nomad tents.(眼前出现了一副美丽的风景:草绿色的高原上点缀着黑色的灌木丛和牧民的帐篷。)
He was indeed a nomad of no nationality.(他的确是个无国籍的游民。)
Christopher Waters, the owner, opened the Nomad Café in 2003, just as Wi-Fi “hotspots” were mushrooming all around town.(克里斯托弗沃尔特(ChristopherWaters),在2003年开了这家“游牧咖啡”,当时正值Wifi如雨后春笋风靡全市。)
Even if you spend two or three months in one place, the imprint of the Nomad will be forever drawn at the bottom of your heart.(即便你在一个地方待了两三个月,流浪者的印记将永远刻在你内心深处。)
Comes mounted on Nomad 2 shelf, with pre-wired fuse.(来自游牧2货架上,与前有线保险丝。)
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