英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɔ:(r)]

美 [ɔr, or]



形容词: oared 过去式: oared 过去分词: oared 现在分词: oaring 第三人称单数: oars

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  • 桨手
  • 划手
  • 划子
  • 桨状物
  • 桨状器官
  • 搅棒
  • 小艇
  • 划行似地前进
  • 荡(桨)
  • 像桨一样摆动
  • 划船
  • 划动
  • 划行
  • [C]桨,橹 pole with a flat blade at one end,used in rowing a boat


1. an implement used to propel or steer a boat

1. 桨;橹
Oars are long poles with a wide, flat blade at one end which are used for rowing a boat.


1. 桨:进到储藏室(TOSTORE),用铁棒撬开锁,进去将大箱子(BIGCRATE)推开,露出了秘密按钮(SECRETBUTTON),按下后得到了激光枪(LASER),走上甲板时别忘了拿桨(OAR).

2. oar

2. 船桨:入了屋后,拿起墙上的凹下处(Recess)的船桨(Oar),和旁边的灭火器(Fire Extinguisher),再拿起火上的烧烤叉(Roasting spit),打开保险箱(Small Box),拿走铜线(Copper Wire),拿走箱内的树脂胶(Resin),再把香烟锡纸作成保险丝放入保险箱的电路中.

3. 橹,桨:notch 开槽,开凹口 | oar 橹,桨 | oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩

4. 单桨:Middle phase of the stroke 划桨的中间 | Oar 单桨 | Oar-button 桨环


5. oar:offset-axis ration; 离轴比

6. oar什么意思

6. oar:one armed router; 单向路由器

7. oar:output address register; 输出地址寄存器

8. oar:optically amplified receiver; 光放大接收机

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1. pull a lone oar : 独自干;

  • The sailors are bending to the oars.
  • To the quiet dipping of oars the boat went evenly forward.

    出自:G. Huntington
Little boat with short oar drifts, where he doesn't know after wake.(轻舟短棹任横斜,醒后不知何处。)
Samphire was upon it instantly and beat it to death with the oar.(巴奇钦跳到章鱼的背上,用船桨打死了它。)
Each person has one oar which goes on one side.(每个人都有一只桨,放在一边。)
"The drops sliding from a lifted oar" (Theodore Roethke).(“水滴从抬起的桨上滑下来”(西奥多·勒特克)。)
A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar.(一个朋友拿起桨把船拨进一条小沟。)
He is the best oar in the crew.(他是船员中最好的浆手。)
An oar is floating on the surface of the river. I am wondering who has left it.(一只划桨飘在河面上,不知道是被谁给落下的。)
He pulled an oar in the winning shell.(他在获胜的赛艇上划桨。)
They shoved off, presently, Tom in command, Huck at the after oar and Joe at the forward.(他们很快就开船了,由汤姆掌舵,哈克划后桨,乔划前桨。)
Then he took up the oar with the knife lashed to it.(然后他拿起上面绑着刀子的桨。)
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