英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:33:19



英 [ˈɒbdjərət]

美 [ˈɑ:bdərət]


副词: obdurately 名词: obdurateness

  • 详情解释

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  • 顽固的
  • 执拗的
  • 冷酷的
  • 固执的
  • 麻木不仁的
  • 硬心肠的
  • 执迷不悟的
  • 毫无悔意的
  • 倔强的



1. showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings

e.g. his flinty gaze
the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart

Synonym: flintyflintgraniticstony

2. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

Synonym: cussedobstinateunrepentant

1. 顽固不化的;倔强的;执拗的
If you describe someone as obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion.

e.g. Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.

1. 冷酷,无情,执拗的:maltreat 虐待 | obdurate 冷酷,无情,执拗的 | obey 服从,遵奉,顺从

2. 坚定的冷酷的:obligated 合法联系 在一起 | obdurate 坚定的冷酷的 | obloquy 谩骂,

3. 执迷不悟的:obduracy 顽固 | obdurate 执迷不悟的 | obdurately 顽固地

4. obdurate在线翻译

4. 顽固的,冷酷无情的:Cerebral 大脑的,理智方面的 | Obdurate 顽固的,冷酷无情的 | Pretentious 自命不凡的

  • 经典引文

  • The obdurate conscience of the old sinner.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • The dons remained obdurate until..forced..to change their tune.

    出自:N. Annan
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

For its part, CTNH has been ridiculously obdurate: having said it would not let the name issue stop CTCBN's integration into Euroatlantic organisations, it has done exactly that.(在这一点上,希腊真是过于固执,它曾放言道,不会让名称纠纷阻碍马其顿参与欧洲大西洋一带的组织,但事实它言行不一。)
Similarly china, soon to be the world ' s largest greenhouse - gas emitter, was, until this year, an obdurate opponent of negotiating beyond kyoto.(同样的,中国即将成为世界上温室气体排放量最大的国家,但中国以前一直极力反对在京都议定书框架之后谈判相关气候变化问题。)
Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, an opinion, or a course of action; obdurate.(固执的,顽固的:固执地坚持某种态度、观点或一系列的行为;执迷不悟的。)
The thesis use the special method , according to the collar line form the obdurate area, trigonometry gridding the collar 3D interspace curve-side , complete the collar model's initial sculpt.(最后,采用了双向插值的方法,依据领口线的形状所构成的封闭区域,进行三维衣领空间曲面三角网格化的造型。)
But a more profound objection relates to Thornhill's obdurate belief that IQ is a true measure of "crystallised general intelligence" rather than just a measure of ability to perform in IQ tests.(并且对于桑希尔固执的相信IQ可以测出“具体的普遍智力”而非仅仅测出做IQ题的能力,这点也有很多著名的反对理论。)
A few weeks ago, I spoke to someone who had finally reached the end of her rope with an obdurate boss.(几个星期前,我有一个朋友受不了她那执迷不悟的老板了。)
He was obdurate to refuse their plan.(他执拗地拒绝他们的计划。)
Even obdurate India has begun to look less of an outlier.(就连顽固的印度也开始表现得不那么像一个局外人。)
Since young King Tommen and his counsellors have become so obdurate, we mean to broach the subject with King Stannis.(既然年幼的托曼国王和他的顾问如此顽固不化,我们就准备跟史坦尼斯国王讨论这个问题。)
One naturally wants for things to go well, but if an obdurate pupil flunks trigonometry, it is - at base - their problem.(他们自然希望事情顺利,但是如果一个差生在三角学上挂了科,从根本上说,那是他们自己的问题。)
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