英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:33:50



英 [əˈblɪgətri]

美 [əˈblɪgətɔ:ri]


副词: obligatorily

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1. morally or legally constraining or binding

e.g. attendance is obligatory
an obligatory contribution

2. required by obligation or compulsion or convention

e.g. he made all the obligatory apologies

1. (按照规定或法律)必须履行的,强制性的
If something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or a law.

e.g. Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, although it's not obligatory...
e.g. These rates do not include the charge for obligatory medical consultations.

2. 习惯性的;礼节性的;随大溜的
If you describe something as obligatory, you mean that it is done from habit or custom and not because the person involved has thought carefully about it or really means it.


e.g. His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment...
e.g. She was wearing the obligatory sweater and pearl necklace.

1. 强制性的:但尽管如此,现在已经有迹象表明,英国法院准备对那些涉及侵犯欧洲人权公约和国内法保障的基本权利的案件适用比例原则,特别是1997年人权法案(the human rights bill 1997)制定以后,适用比例原则成为强制性的(obligatory).

2. 义务:判例法(casuistry)和关怀论(尤其是女性主义关怀伦理学)的地位如何,其伦理原则与伦理经验各起什么样的作用等等.规范伦理学的核心问题是:我们应该做什么 或者更具体地说,什么事情我们有义务(obligatory)去做,什么事情我们不能(prohibitive)去做,

3. 必须的:就话语结构而言,后续话步在某些情况下可有可无,而回应则在任何情形下都是必须的(obligatory),因为它满足前一话语的期待.保持话语结构的连贯(coherent),保证会话交际的顺畅.

4. [强制性]:同性恋行为并非人类特有之行为,许多灵长类或亚灵长类的哺乳动物也都有类似的行为. 不过,人类(Homosapiens)则是唯一一种被观察到在自然状况下有成年期中偏好的(preferential)或带强制性(obligatory)的同性恋行为的物种.

  • 经典引文

  • Betjeman was sent down..for failing the obligatory University examination in Divinity.

    出自:H. Carpenter
  • They did not relish standing in the blowing snow..for the obligatory identity check.

    出自:F. Pohl
The first chapter is the seemingly obligatory introduction to C#.(开篇第一章介绍C#,这似乎理所应当。)
The physical-activity guidelines were also varied; only 62% of schools made physical education obligatory.(体育活动的规定也是各色各样的都有。只有62%的学校把体育课列为必修课。)
I registered and got my obligatory free goodie bag, complete with a book that covered everything about the conference.(我进行了登记,并获得一个免费的小包,其中包括一本介绍大会内容的书。)
Stroll through the military museum and craft market to find the obligatory gifts for the folks back home.(也可以在军事博物馆和手工艺品市场闲逛一下,带点必要的手信给家里的亲戚朋友。)
It is obligatory for all employees to wear protective clothing.(所有员工必须穿防护服装。)
Remember, the obligatory scene gives the audience emotional pleasure.(记住,必要的场景会给观众带来情感上的愉悦。)
If you start at a too fast rate, you may be soon overwhelmed by the amount of obligatory work.(如果开始的太快,你可能很快会被大量必须完成的任务压垮。)
Next comes an element known as the: obligatory scene.(接下来是一个被称为“强制性场景”的元素。)
The obligatory school system usually includes the primary education and secondary education I (lower secondary).(义务学校体系包括初级教育和中级教育i(较低的中级教育)。)
This became so popular that a playwright almost had to include it in every play, which is why it's called: the obligatory scene.(这种表演方式非常受欢迎,以至于几乎每一部戏剧的编剧都会采用它,这就是它被称为必演场景的缘由。)
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