英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:34:02



英 [əˈblɪviən]

美 [əˈblɪviən]


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  • 遗忘
  • 忘却
  • 被忘却
  • 赦免
  • 失去感觉
  • 【律】大赦
  • 健忘
  • 无意识状态
  • 沉睡
  • 昏迷
  • 湮没
  • 埋没
  • 漠视


1. total forgetfulness

e.g. he sought the great oblivion of sleep

Synonym: obliviousness

2. the state of being disregarded or forgotten

Synonym: limbo

1. 无意识状态;沉睡;昏迷
Oblivion is the state of not being aware of what is happening around you, for example because you are asleep or unconscious.

e.g. He just drank himself into oblivion...
e.g. Within the hour he had slipped once again into deep and dreamless oblivion.

2. 被遗忘的状态;湮没
Oblivion is the state of having been forgotten or of no longer being considered important.

e.g. It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.

3. 被摧毁;被毁灭;被夷为平地
If you say that something is bombed or blasted into oblivion, you are emphasizing that it is completely destroyed.

e.g. An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion.

1. 遗忘法师:Quote: Pugna,遗忘法师(Oblivion) 衰老(Decrepify) 该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 幽冥守卫(Nether Ward) 守卫的魔力之焰被完全且完美地抵抗. 生命汲取(Life Drain) 该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 若林肯在生命吸吮持续期间结束冷却,

2. oblivion的翻译

2. 忘却:刚刚在日本山形电影节上凭借新片<>(Oblivion)获得山形市长奖(最优秀影片奖)的荷兰导演海蒂?霍尼曼(Heddy Honigmann)正式确定参加iDOCS国际纪录片论坛. 在荷兰属于国宝级大师的海蒂?霍尼曼,在全球纪录片界属于众人膜拜的偶像,

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1. be buried in oblivion : 被忘掉;

  • Thither no more the peasant shall repair To sweet oblivion of his daily care.

  • He would drink himself into some kind of oblivion.

    出自:P. Sayer
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I whisper an apology to oblivion, where my never-to-be-born child dwells.(我无声地对着天空道歉,我那永远不可能诞生的孩子是不是在天堂的哪个角落呢?)
It is thus clear that how important the oblivion is in our life.(可见,“遗忘”在生活中有多么重要!)
He often drinks himself into oblivion.(他常常喝酒喝得不省人事。)
Hundreds of homes were bombed into oblivion during the first weeks of the war.(在战争的最初几周内,数以百计的房屋被炸毁。)
It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.(那所谓的新理论似乎可能被淡忘。)
Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.(萨姆恨不得一睡不醒,了无心事。)
In the 1980s, doomsayers had predicted that the fax machine would push the profession into oblivion.(在上世纪八十年代,一些乌鸦嘴曾宣称传真机将会使得这个职业被人遗忘。)
Violent winds threatened2 to push the climbers off into oblivion.(狂暴的风几乎要把登山者推入渺无人烟的深渊。)
You could deliberately distance yourself and let the relationship fizzle into oblivion.(你可以有意地与你的朋友拉开距离,让这种关系在不知不觉中结束。)
He just drank himself jovially into oblivion.(他一味痛饮直到自己神志不清。)
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