Not obtrusive, go up pertly courtship, you can refuse for certain.(不要莽撞,冒冒失失上去求爱,你肯定会遭拒绝。)
I just don’t like how an SLR is big and heavy and obtrusive.(我不喜欢那种单反镜头又大又沉又突兀的相机。)
On top of the tower is an observation platform that some councillors say is obtrusive.(在塔的顶部是一个瞭望台,一些议员认为过于招摇。)
If obtrusive one person is met head-on, so once fail, the task that day cannot be finished again.(如果莽撞一人迎战,那么一旦失败当日的任务就无法再次完成。)
The modern king have become a vermiform appendix: useless when quiet; when obtrusive, in danger of removal.(现代的君王已成了阑尾:平时无用处,一旦突出,即有被切除之虞。)
She was not at all obtrusive in her efforts to help them.(她努力帮助他们时完全不是强人接受的样子。)
I am pleased to see that painting style integration of two very strange, but do not seem obtrusive .(使我欣喜的是两种绘画风格融合的很奇特,但又不显得突兀。)
The obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child.(这孩子让父母惯坏了。)
you see a lot of on screen stat displays. it’s not very obtrusive, I don’t think.(在屏幕上你可以看到很多数据,但我觉得它们不是很突兀。)
There have been telephones in bedrooms for a long time – these are surely more obtrusive, since they ring.(电话出现在卧室中已经有很长时间了,这无疑更让人厌恶,因为电话是会响的。)
obtrusive是什么意思 obtrusive在线翻译 obtrusive什么意思 obtrusive的意思 obtrusive的翻译 obtrusive的解释 obtrusive的发音 obtrusive的同义词