英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:37:45


英 [ə'fɪsɪnl]

美 [ə'fɪsɪnəl]



副词: officinally

  • 网络解释

1. 药用的:officiate 执行 | officinal 药用的 | officious 多管闲事的

2. 依照药方的:officinal 药用的 | officinal 依照药方的 | officinal 成药的

3. 成药的:officinal 依照药方的 | officinal 成药的 | officiously 多管闲事地

4. 依照药方的/药用的/成药的/成药:officiate /执行/ | officinal /依照药方的/药用的/成药的/成药/ | officious /多管闲事的/

In recent years, Radix Puerariae powder, whose comprehensive value in use has been improved gradually became significant officinal and raw material for industry production.(近年来,粉葛综合利用价值日益提高,已成为重要的药用植物和工业生产原料。)
Study on isolation purification and activity for polysaccharide from cornus officinal is sieb. et zucc.(山茱萸多糖的分离纯化及活性研究。)
Lilium spp. is an important economic crop with ornamental, edible and officinal value.(百合是一种集观赏、食用、药用价值于一身的重要经济作物。)
ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship of Chantui and other officinal parts of Chanchu.(目的通过本草考证,研究蟾蜕与本草记载的蟾蜍其它各药用部位的关系。)
ResultsThe characteristic of Chantui does not accord to the record of other officinal parts of Chanchu in textual records.(结果经考证,蟾蜕与本草记载中蟾蜍其它各药用部位的描述均不符合。)
For its great officinal value, its wild resources going shorter and his consumption increasing remarkably, a new industry derived from e.(由于人们逐步重视其药用价值的开发,野生资源的匮乏和地鳖虫的消费量的上升,人工养殖地鳖虫已是一种新兴富民产业。)
Research and application of the natural antioxidant from rosmarinus officinal is l.(迷迭香天然抗氧化剂研究及其应用。)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids were one kind of important physiological activity substance to human and had high officinal value.(多不饱和脂肪酸是对人体有重要生理活性的物质,有较高的药用价值。)
The edible, officinal and feeding values of the new kind of high-oil corn were summarized and the developing prospect of the corn was looked forward.(综述了新型玉米品种——高油玉米的食用价值、药用价值和饲用价值,并对其发展前景进行了展望。)
The results show that all the extracts of Magnolia Officinal obtained with different extraction solvents have scavenging effects on DPPH radical and ethanol extracts show the highest activity.(结果表明:不同溶剂厚朴提取物对DPPH自由基均有清除作用,其中以乙醇提取物清除能力最强。)
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