英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:38:50


英 [ˈɒlɪgɑ:k]

美 [ˈɑ:ləgɑ:rk]


  • 英英释义

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1. one of the rulers in an oligarchy

1. 寡头政治者:olid 臭的 | oligarch 寡头政治者 | oligarchic 寡头政治的

2. 寡头政治执政者:monarchist 君主制主义者 | oligarch 寡头政治执政者 | hierarchy 等级制度

3. 寡头政策,寡头政治的执政团:multi-functionality多功能性 | oligarch寡头政策,寡头政治的执政团 | oligopoly求过于供的市场情况

  • 临近词

The three-oligarch monopolization will maybe the regulatory reformation tropism of Chinese mobile communication market.(双寡头垄断是我国当前移动通信市场的格局。)
Fiat's main rival is a group consisting of Magna, a Canadian car-parts and engineering business, and Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch.(菲亚特的主要竞争对手是一个由加拿大汽车零部件和引擎供应商麦格纳和俄罗斯寡头奥列格·德里帕斯卡组成的收购小组。)
Market structure is the basic factor which is to determine the quality of competition and the degree of monopoly. Oligarch monopoly is usually been found in reality.(市场结构是决定产业组织竞争性质和垄断程度的基本因素,寡头垄断是市场结构在现实生活中的常见的表现形式。)
Mr Hopp is quite unlike Roman Abramovich, the Russian oligarch who has spent hundreds of millions of pounds on Chelsea, an English football club.(霍普先生与俄罗斯寡头罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇明显不同,后者将数百万英镑砸在了英国俱乐部切尔西身上。)
Applied game theory analyses the market strength that studied market of oligarch competition electric power.(应用博弈论分析研究了寡头竞争电力市场的市场力。)
By referring to the concept of oligarch monopoly competition in economics, we get the conclusion that the insurance market in China has stepped into the stage of oligarchy monopoly.(借鉴经济学中关于寡头垄断竞争的分析,可判断中国目前的保险市场已经进入寡头垄断阶段判断。)
Therefore, based on simulated annealing algorithm, an improved method of game learning was given and a game learning model about oligarch holding the market was established.(基于模拟退火算法,给出了博弈学习的一个改进方法,建立了寡头垄断市场的博弈学习模型。)
The new owners are wealthy but not in the oligarch category and thus the answer is surely more debt and higher ticket prices.(新买主的确是富有,但不见得富可敌国。所以最明显的答案就是更多的债务和更高的门票价格。)
But the data also show that while minority shareholders do exist even in oligarch-controlled companies, they remain precisely that.(但数据也显示,即使在寡头控制的公司里也的确有少数股股东,但他们始终只是少数股股东。)
He was once Russia's richest oligarch.(曾经,他是俄罗斯最富有的寡头。)
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