英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 23:00:28
  • 网络解释

1. 展出:on credit 赊(购) | on display 展出 | on duty 值班;上班

2. 展出,陈列:4. the way to 到......的路 | 5. on display 展出,陈列 | 6. a visit to... 一次去......的参观

3. 陈列;展览:on prep.关于 在;在...上 | on display 陈列;展览 | on duty 值日

4. 展览;陈列:17.display陈列 | 18.on display展览 陈列 | 19.photograph相片

  • 临近词

If you have a chance, do visit the Auckland Museum because they have the last surviving "birdman" kite on display.(如果你有机会,一定要去奥克兰博物馆,因为那里有最后一个幸存的“鸟人”风筝展览。)
Self-driving shuttles and solar cars were on display at the 2014 show.(无人驾驶汽车和太阳能汽车在这次2014年展览上展出。)
The forearm and torch of the Statue of Liberty were on display at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876.(1876年,自由女神像的前臂和火炬在费城百年博览会上展出。)
The patience and good humour on display are astounding.(他们展现的耐心跟良好态度都是惊人的。)
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.(新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。)
They were hers, as was everything else on display.(它们就是她的,就像除此以外那些陈列的东西一样。)
Most of the other artists whose work is on display were his pupils or colleagues.(其他有作品展出的艺术家大多数是他的学生或同事。)
Not yet, but look for it on display this time next year.(暂时还没有,但有望在下一年的这个时候展出。)
The latest models will be on display at the motor show.(最新的车型将会在这次汽车展上展出。)
That’s the lesson on display at Intel.(这就是在英特尔为我们展示的经验。)
on display是什么意思 on display在线翻译 on display什么意思 on display的意思 on display的翻译 on display的解释 on display的发音 on display的同义词