英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈstɜ:di]

美 [ˈstɜ:rdi]


副词: sturdily 比较级: sturdier 最高级: sturdiest 名词: sturdiness

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  • 坚决的
  • 坚定的
  • 结实的
  • 健壮的
  • 顽强的
  • 坚固的
  • 坚强的
  • 刚毅的
  • 健康的
  • 经久耐用的
  • 不屈的
  • 生长力强的
  • 耐寒的
  • 壮实
  • 粗壮的
  • 坚实可靠
  • 刚强的
  • 好强的
  • 晕倒病
  • 强壮的,结实的 strong and healthy
  • 坚定的;不退让的 firm;not yielding



1. substantially made or constructed

e.g. sturdy steel shelves
sturdy canvas
a tough all-weather fabric
some plastics are as tough as metal

Synonym: tough

2. not making concessions

e.g. took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks
uncompromising honesty

Synonym: uncompromisinginflexible

3. having rugged physical strength
inured to fatigue or hardships

e.g. hardy explorers of northern Canada
proud of her tall stalwart son
stout seamen
sturdy young athletes

Synonym: hardystalwartstout

1. 坚固的;结实的;强壮的
Someone or something that is sturdy looks strong and is unlikely to be easily injured or damaged.

e.g. She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties...
她是个 60 岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。
e.g. The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod.

It was a good table too, sturdily constructed of elm.

1. 强健的:小鸡召唤者(Chicken Summoners) 最小负伤减少5-6% 驯鼠者(Hamster Tamers) 最小伤害减少5-6 A级释放卷轴 强健的(Sturdy) 头,脚,盾 等级15以上平衡增加3-5% 精密的(Strict)武器(除了裁缝工具和乐器) 等级26以上最大体力减少20,

2. 强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的:stuffing box填充体 | sturdy 强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的 | substantial 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的

3. 结实的:Stiff 僵硬的 | Sturdy 结实的 | Substance 物质

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • We need several sturdy men to push this car.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • A violent gust of wind..seemed to shake even that sturdy house.

  • Hasten thou And bring a sturdy javelin from the tent.

    出自:W. C. Bryant
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Would you trot down the street barefoot, or are you all about running with sturdy, thick-soled shoes.(你会赤脚在街上小跑,还是穿着结实的、厚厚鞋底的鞋跑步呢。)
The pericardium consists of two distinct sublayers: the sturdy outer fibrous pericardium and the inner serous pericardium.(心包由两个不同的亚层组成:坚固的外纤维心包和内浆液心包。)
They would peel large sheets of bark from the tree to form lightweight yet sturdy canoes.(他们会从树上剥下大片的树皮,做成轻便而结实的独木舟。)
This sturdy configuration eventually gave way to the client-server model.(这种配置最终让位给客户机-服务器模型。)
She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties.(她是一位六十出头、矮小结实的女人。)
That probably means under a sturdy table in your office or at home.(办公室或者是家里的书桌下就是合适的藏身之处。)
A fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine grow sturdy in a greenhouse.(院子里练不出千里马,温室里长不出万年松。)
Here are sturdy animals such as Chow Chow and Keeshond.(这里有不少健壮的动物如中国松狮犬和荷兰毛狮犬。)
As for personal usage, the Blackberry is a sturdy and reliable phone.(至于个人应用,黑莓是一个结实可靠的手机。)
The village has always maintained a sturdy independence.(这个村子始终顽强地保持着独立。)
sturdy是什么意思 sturdy在线翻译 sturdy什么意思 sturdy的意思 sturdy的翻译 sturdy的解释 sturdy的发音 sturdy的同义词