英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:35:11

on the spur of the moment

[ɔn ðə spə: ɔv ðə ˈməumənt]

一时冲动之下; 当即
  • 英英释义

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1. on impulse
without premeditation

e.g. he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment
he made up his mind suddenly

Synonym: suddenly

1. 一时冲动地, 立刻:proportional gain 比例增益 | on the spur of the moment 一时冲动地, 立刻 | an alternate angle 错角

2. 一时冲动:on the spot 当场 | on the spur of the moment 一时冲动 | on tiptoe 翘首以待


3. 立刻:on the spot 当场 | on the spur of the moment 立刻 | on the square 正直

4. 一时冲动之下,不假思索的:Rent out 租出 | On the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,不假思索的 | Analogous to...... 与......类似

  • 近义词

When the young man heard that his friend was going to the city, he decided, on the spur of the moment, to accompany him.(当这个年轻人听到他的朋友打算去城市这个消息时,他不假思索地决定陪伴他。)
She gave a clever answer to the tricky question on the spur of the moment. 5.(对这个狡猾的问题,她不假思索,给了个聪明的回答。)
Colonel: Ahh... it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.(上校:啊!这简直是不可能的,波洛,没有人相信他能在一瞬间独自完成这一切。)
Jennifer: I don't know. We were just chatting when, on the spur of the moment, he asked me out.(珍妮弗:我不知道。我们本来只是在聊天,他突然一时兴起就约我出去了。)
They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen.(他们可能一时冲动,决定去泰国度周末,这位私人秘书就只好让美梦成真。)
Just on the spur of the moment.(仅仅是由于一时冲动。)
On the spur of the moment it reminded him of a gale he had once experienced in the North Pacific.(在那个瞬间他突然想起了自己在北太平洋经历的一次狂风。)
We happened to be looking in a furniture shop and, on the spur of the moment, we bought a new bed.(我们碰巧去家具店看看,一时决定买了张新床。)
I'm always doing things on the spur of the moment-to my own inconvenience and other people's.(我总是凭一时冲动做事-给自己、给别人添了麻烦。)
Ann informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point.(非正式会议,通常都是为了讨论某个特殊问题而当场召开的。)
on the spur of the moment是什么意思 on the spur of the moment在线翻译 on the spur of the moment什么意思 on the spur of the moment的意思 on the spur of the moment的翻译 on the spur of the moment的解释 on the spur of the moment的发音 on the spur of the moment的同义词