英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈaʊtəməʊst]

美 [ˈaʊtərmoʊst]


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  • 最外边的
  • 离中心最远的
  • 最远的
  • 远离中心的
  • 最外方的(最远的,最高头的)
  • 在最外


1. situated at the farthest possible point from a center

Synonym: outmost

1. 最外面的;离中心最远的
The outermost thing in a group is the one that is furthest from the centre.

e.g. ...the outermost corners of each room.
e.g. ...Neptune, the outermost known planet.

1. outermost

1. 最外层的:outermost portion 最外部分 | outermost 最外层的 | outermost 最外的

2. 最外的:outermost 最外层的 | outermost 最外的 | outermost 最远的

3. 最远的:outermost 最外的 | outermost 最远的 | outfall pipeline 排放管线

4. 最外层:provided提供 | outermost最外层 | halos晕

If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.(如果最外边的引号是单引号,那么不展开变量。)
The outermost is the epidermis.(最外面的一层叫表皮。)
The outermost element encloses one or more elements, each representing a video matching the query.(最外层的元素封装了一个或多个元素,分别代表一个与查询匹配的视频。)
The outermost Container element is associated with the module.object query.(最外边的Container元素与module.object查询相联系。)
Smoking Narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow.(吸烟将使皮肤最表层的毛细血管变窄,这将使血液流动变慢。)
The outermost table shows the milestone items.(外层的表格显示了重要的工作项。)
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to rewrite the outermost for loop in a more elegant fashion.(我们留给读者一个练习,以更好的形式重写循环的最外层。)
He occupies the largest office on the Pentagon's outermost E-ring.(他占据了五角大楼最外层E环的最大的办公室。)
On a sunny day , David went to the outermost outskirts .(在一个晴朗的日子,戴维去了远离中心的郊区。)
The outermost ring is the main residential section of the tulou.(最外面的一圈是土楼的住宅区。)
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