英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:51:26



英 [ˌəʊvəˈru:l]

美 [ˌoʊvərˈru:l]


过去式: overruled 过去分词: overruled 现在分词: overruling 第三人称单数: overrules

  • 英英释义

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1. rule against

e.g. The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

Synonym: overturnoverrideoverthrowreverse

1. 否决;驳回;宣布…无效
If someone in authority overrules a person or their decision, they officially decide that the decision is incorrect or not valid.


e.g. In 1991, the Court of Appeal overruled this decision...
e.g. I told them it was a lousy idea, but I was overruled.

1. 驳回;宣布无效:overlapping of constituencies 选区重叠 | overrule 驳回;宣布无效 | overseas elector 海外选民

2. 驳回,推翻 驳回,推翻:outstanding warrant 未执行的逮捕证,仍有效的通缉令 未执行的逮捕证,仍有效的通缉令 | overrule 驳回,推翻 驳回,推翻 | over act 明显/公开行为 明显/公开行为

  • 经典引文

  • He allowed the evidence to overrule his previous hypothesis.

    出自:N. Symington
  • Graham protested a little, but was overruled.

    出自:S. Woods
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Custom and agreement overrule law.(习惯与合意可以使法律无效。)
Overrides are applied on the class and method scope as a way to overrule certain security decisions made by the runtime.(重写应用在类和方法范围上,为否决运行时作出的某些安全决策的方法。)
But management didn't let its emotions overrule it business sense.(但是管理层在考虑自己商业时并没有失去理智。)
As a referee, you must also be confident and alert enough to overrule your assistant when necessary.(作为一名主裁,你必须自信,并且在必要时否决助理裁判的判罚。)
There are situations, however, which you will wish to overrule the default catalog selections and choose for yourself which catalogs data should be read from.(某些情况,你想要放弃默认星表并且选择你自己的数据星表。)
They entered upon the turf, and, impelled by a force that seemed to overrule their will, suddenly stood still, turned, and waited in paralyzed suspense beside the stone.(他们走进草地,好像被某种控制了他们意志的力量逼着似的,突然在里程碑旁边站住了;他们转过身去,好像瘫痪了似的在里程碑旁等着。)
We often talk about the perils of hubris, but when CEOs who are smart enough to know better crash and burn, it's usually because they let their overblown egos overrule their intellect.(我们经常说到自大的危险,但如果CEO们聪明到不至于一败涂地,那么自大往往是因为他们让过度膨胀的自我支配了自己的理智。)
If the call by the line-judge or overrule by the Umpire is deemed incorrect, the players challenge is successful, and the decision by the line-judge or Umpire is reversed.(如果司线员或裁判员的裁决确认有误,则运动员挑战“鹰眼”成功,裁判员应纠正错误裁决。)
It is theoretically possible for him to overrule their decision, but highly unlikely.(按理说他可以否定他们的决定,但是可能性很小。)
It is possible for your emotions to be so affected, so deeply stirred, that they will completely overrule the will.(你的情绪可能会大受影响,大大被搅动,以至完全否决了意志。)
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