英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [pəˈræbələ]

美 [pəˈræbələ]



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  • 【数】抛物线
  • 抛物线状圆碟式天线
  • 碗状物
  • 抛物面
  • 比喻


1. a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the curve

1. 抛物线
A parabola is a type of curve such as the path of something that is thrown up into the air and comes down in a different place.

1. 抛物线抛物面反射器:parabola 抛物线 | parabola 抛物线抛物面反射器 | parabolic antenna 抛物面天线

2. 抛物面反射器:para 帕拉胶 | parabola 抛物面反射器 | parabola 抛物线


3. 拋物線函數式:Par value stock 面值股票 | Parabola 拋物線函數式 | paradox of value 價值的矛盾

  • 经典引文

  • Graebner muscles one down the line so fast that Ashe's volley makes a high, awkward parabola.

    出自:New Yorker
And this part is a parabola and this parabola here is horizontal.(这部分是条抛物线,抛物线这边是水平的。)
See, it's the same with a parabola going upwards.(看,这跟一个开口向上的抛物线类似的。)
This is a parabola, so it's completely symmetric about the vertical, about p.(这是个抛物线,因此关于P点轴对称。)
It is this parabola and is pointing up.(这就是那个抛物面,它是开口向上的。)
So, we should draw maybe this downward parabola.(我们可以画出这样的开口向下的抛物线。)
If there were no drag, then this, of course, would be a parabola, and the horizontal velocity would always be the same.(如果没有阻力,这应该是个抛物线,水平速度,也应该一样。)
This one, you would expect it to behave perfectly like a parabola.(这次你能预料到,它沿抛物线运动。)
It's, of course, a parabola and I use this information that we have just derived.(毋庸置疑,是个抛物线,用我刚才得到的,这个已知信息。)
We just parabola, you is the focal point and I am alignment.(我们就是抛物线,你是焦点,我是准线。)
It's, again, a parabola going downwards.(它同样是,开口向下的一条抛物线。)
parabola是什么意思 parabola在线翻译 parabola什么意思 parabola的意思 parabola的翻译 parabola的解释 parabola的发音 parabola的同义词