英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:58:56



英 [ˌpɑ:sɪˈməʊniəs]

美 [ˌpɑ:rsəˈmoʊniəs]


副词: parsimoniously 名词: parsimoniousness

  • 详情解释

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  • 吝啬的
  • 过于俭省的
  • 质量差的
  • 小气的



1. excessively unwilling to spend

e.g. parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses
lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence

Synonym: penurious

1. 小气的;吝啬的
Someone who is parsimonious is very unwilling to spend money.


1. 怕使用钱财--吝啬的:3) Frugal:豆腐卤就够了--节俭的、少量的 | 4) Parsimonious:怕使用钱财--吝啬的 | 5) Obtuse:我不会吐丝,而别的蚕都吐--笨的、钝角的

2. 吝啬的:pusillanimous 胆怯的 | parsimonious 吝啬的 | excoriate 批判

3. 太节省的,小气的:parry 挡开,避开(武器,问题等) | parsimonious 太节省的,小气的 | partiality 偏袒,偏心

  • 经典引文

  • Always keen on economy..occasionally a trifle parsimonious.

    出自:A. Powell
  • A parsimonious man whose chief pleasure in life had been watching their money grow.

    出自:N. Lowndes
Yet facts suggest that Germans really are more parsimonious than many of their neighbours.(然而,事实表明德国人确实比许多邻国人都更加节俭。)
A parsimonious explanation for these findings would be that the countenance of these photos-an online dating site-means that they're likely stereotypical in some way.(一种刻薄的解释说这是因为这些照片的容貌——在一个约会网站上——意味着他们在某种程度上更典型。)
It is a parsimonious representation of a possibly complex thing.(这就是以简约来代表可能地复杂的事情。)
Good ideas are too scarce to be parsimonious with.(好的想法太少了,不能吝啬。)
I do not like these parsimonious mean spirited person.(我不喜欢那些又吝啬又小气的人。)
The appropriations committee, suddenly and ill - advisedly parsimonious, cut funds for assistance to the disadvantaged.(拨款委员会突然地和不明智地节俭地裁减对生活水平低的人的援助。)
At this time, I can't be able too parsimonious. Just right the winter will come, the weather turns colder and colder, my gift will play its role.(正好寒冷的冬天渐渐近了,天气也越来越冷了,我的礼物在这个时候刚好能起到它防寒预暖的作用。)
Used in this manner, the feature-based approach is probably the most parsimonious requirements gathering process.(以这种方式使用,基于功能特性的方法很可能是最节约的需求收集过程。)
Finally, it's worth noting that ideographic scripts like Chinese and Japanese tend to be parsimonious with characters compared to alphabetic scripts like Latin and Cyrillic.(最后,值得一提的是中文和日文这类象形文字,与Latin、Cyrillic这类字母文字相比,用字往往更少。)
You Do not suspicious, he is accustomed to the parsimonious.(你别多心,他就是俭省惯了的。)
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