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英 [ˈpærədɒks]

美 [ˈpærədɑ:ks]


形容词: paradoxical 副词: paradoxically 名词: paradoxicalness

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  • 悖论
  • 自相矛盾的话
  • 似非而可能正确的议论
  • 自相矛盾的人或事
  • 逆说
  • 似非而是的论点
  • 反论
  • 疑题
  • 奇谈
  • 怪论
  • 【物】佯谬
  • 悖论修辞
  • 悖论的
  • 发表悖论
  • [C]似非而是的隽语,看似矛盾而实际却可能正确的说法 statement that seems to be absurd or contradictory but is or may be true
  • [U]用于语言文学中的上述隽语 use of this in talking or writing
  • [C]有矛盾特点的人〔事物,情况〕 person, thing or situation displaying contradictory features


1. (logic) a statement that contradicts itself

e.g. `I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false

1. 自相矛盾;有矛盾特点的情况
You describe a situation as a paradox when it involves two or more facts or qualities which seem to contradict each other.

e.g. The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems...
e.g. The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more...

2. 悖论;自相矛盾的说法;似矛盾而(可能)正确的说法
A paradox is a statement in which it seems that if one part of it is true, the other part of it cannot be true.

e.g. The story contains many levels of paradox...
e.g. Although I'm so successful I'm really rather a failure. That's a paradox, isn't it?

1. 似非而是的隽语:节 感情意蕴的提喻(Synecdoche)第九节 寓意深邃的典故(Allusion)第十节 对立统一的矛盾修辞(Oxymoron)第十一节 趣味盎然的仿拟(Parody)第十二节 旁敲侧讽的暗讽(Innuendo)第十三节 似非而是的隽语(Paradox)第十四节 言过其实

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • “More haste, less speed.”is a paradox.
  • The faster he tried to finish, the longer it seemed to take him.It is quite a paradox.
  • The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life.
用作名词 (n.)
  • In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.

    出自:E. Fromm
  • The paradox of the word 'cleave', which means both 'to join together' and 'to break apart'.

    出自:P. Auster
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The paradox is irresoluble.(此悖论无法解决。)
This is the ultimate global paradox.(这是最基本的矛盾。)
This has created "a paradox" in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has "continued to reproduce and widen".(这在招募第一代学生中造成了“悖论”,但是随后看到他们中的许多人失败了,这意味着高等教育“正在继续繁殖和扩大”。)
Can Hobbes explain this paradox?(霍布斯能解释这个悖论吗?)
How to reconcile this paradox?(如何解释这种矛盾?)
You may feel it queer and unimaginable, but they never think themselves paradox and argue that it's a kind of life style.(你可能会觉得它奇怪,甚至不可思议,但他们从不觉得自己是矛盾体,他们说这是一种生活方式。)
Call it the futurologist's paradox.(这也就是未来学家们的悖论。)
It is a fascinating paradox.(这是一个十分奇妙的悖论。)
This presents a paradox.(这产生一个悖论。)
The source of this paradox is electronic anti-noise which creates sound waves to cancel out unwanted noise, such as rattles, blare, etc.(这种矛盾的根源是电子抗噪,它会产生声波来抵消不想要的噪音,如响尾音、刺耳的鸣响等。)
paradox是什么意思 paradox在线翻译 paradox什么意思 paradox的意思 paradox的翻译 paradox的解释 paradox的发音 paradox的同义词