Finally, you can also peek into how memory was used.(最后,还可以查看内存的使用情况。)
Peek follows the same rule, but the object isn't removed.(peek与此类似,只是不移除栈中的对象。)
Companies have been paying outrageous fees for a peek at the technical data.(各公司一直在为该技术资料的一窥支付惊人的费用。)
Sometimes you'll see a peek() method, as well.(有时也有peek()方法。)
Peek-a-boo (lower back): Lie face down on the floor using your outstretched arms to support baby in front of you.(躲猫猫(锻炼后腰):脸朝下,用你伸展的胳膊支撑住你前面的婴儿。)
The interview was controlled too, and there were doors I could not peek behind, though it would have satisfied my curiosity and hunger for information.(这次采访也受到限制,尽管这本可以满足我的好奇心和对情报的渴望,但仍有许多我无法从后窥视的门道。)
Finally, element USES peek .(最后,element使用peek。)
We could finally get a peek inside a black hole.(我们终于能够对黑洞一窥究竟了。)
Therefore, a client is unable peek or poke the ticket content.(因此,客户端是无法偷看票据内容。)
Just don't let them peek at each other's responses.(唯一要注意的就是,不要让他们互相瞥到彼此的答案。)
peek是什么意思 peek在线翻译 peek什么意思 peek的意思 peek的翻译 peek的解释 peek的发音 peek的同义词