英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:06:15


英 [ˈpendjələs]

美 [ˈpendʒələs]


副词: pendulously 名词: pendulousness

  • 英英释义

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1. having branches or flower heads that bend downward

e.g. nodding daffodils
the pendulous branches of a weeping willow
lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers

Synonym: cernuousdroopingnoddingweeping

1. 悬垂摆动的;松垂的
Something that is pendulous hangs downwards and moves loosely, usually in an unattractive way.

e.g. ...a stout, gloomy man with a pendulous lower lip.
e.g. ...pendulous cheeks.

1. pendulous的意思

1. 悬垂,下垂的:pending 未决定,待解决的 | pendulous 悬垂,下垂的 | pension 津贴,恩俸

2. 悬垂的,摇摆的:pendant control 控制板 | pendulous 悬垂的,摇摆的 | pendulous gyroscope 摆修正式陀螺仪

3. 下垂的:pendular 摆动的 | pendulous 下垂的 | pendulum 钟摆

4. pendulous的意思

4. 摇摆不定的:pendulosity 摆性 | pendulous 摇摆不定的 | pendulouspensilerocking 摇摆的

  • 经典引文

  • She thought..she would have pendulous breasts and a flabby belly.

    出自:F. Weldon
  • An Elizabethan ceiling with great pendulous decorations like stalactites.

    出自:T. Gunn
  • The street light..had the pendulous droop of a flower.

    出自:Dennis Potter
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

For the research of a pendulous inertial sensor, it is quite important to measure the mechanical bias.(机械零偏的测量是摆式惯性传感器研制过程中的一个关键问题。)
Finite element software of ANSYS has been used for making a finite element analysis of a certain type of ball-socket nozzle's pendulous socket in solid-rocket engine.(本文应用anSYS有限元分析软件,完成了对某型号固体火箭发动机珠承喷管摆动接头的有限元分析。)
This paper starts the research of the liquid floated pendulous accelerometer testing system according to the engineering.(本论文从工程实际出发,围绕液浮摆式加速度计测试系统展开了研究。)
In this paper an on-line automatic testing system is introduced which detects the output and loop state variables of a pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer (PIGA) by means of computers.(本文介绍一种针对摆式积分陀螺加速度计(PIGA)的输出与回路状态变量进行实时测试的自动化测试系统。)
Mammy's lips were large and pendulous and, when indignant, she could push out her lower one to twice its normal length.(嬷嬷那片又宽又厚的嘴唇向下耷拉着,她生起气来会把下嘴唇拉得有平时两倍那么大。)
The oriole builds a pendulous nest.(金莺鸟筑一个悬垂的巢。)
The pendulous Si micromechanical accelerator's mechanical structure and the principle of operation are presented.(文中介绍了扭摆式硅微型加速度计的机械结构、工作原理。)
This paper Analyzes the mechanism and principle of compound pendulous bell-less top distributing installation.(分析了复合摆动式新型无钟高炉炉顶布料装置的机构组成原理。)
The structure, principle and the maximum sensitivity optimum design method of pendulous micromachined silicon accelerometer (PMSA) are introduced in this paper.(文中介绍了扭摆式硅微加速度计的结构原理和对其进行最大灵敏度优化设计的方法。)
This system can be used to measure the quartz pendulous reed's pendulous frequency, pendulous amplitude, torsional frequency, torsional amplitude, flexible bridge rigid, and so on.(该系统可对石英摆片的摆幅、摆频、扭幅、扭频、台阶高度和挠性梁刚度等实现自动测量。)
pendulous是什么意思 pendulous在线翻译 pendulous什么意思 pendulous的意思 pendulous的翻译 pendulous的解释 pendulous的发音 pendulous的同义词