英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:06:43



英 [ˈpenənt]

美 [ˈpɛnənt]



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  • 细长三角旗
  • 奖旗
  • 冠军旗
  • 【音】符尾
  • 【海】短索
  • 校旗
  • 小燕尾旗
  • 【海】旒旗
  • 优胜锦旗
  • 【音】钩符
  • 尖尾旗
  • 信号旗
  • 锦标旗


1. a long flag
often tapering

Synonym: pennonstreamerwaft

2. the award given to the champion

Synonym: crown

3. a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering)

1. 三角旗
A pennant is a long, narrow, triangular flag.

e.g. The second car was flying the Ghanaian pennant.

2. (棒球联赛冠军队获得的)锦旗,冠军地位
In baseball, a pennant is a flag that is given each year to the top team in a league. The championship is also called the pennant.

e.g. The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game.

1. pennant的解释

1. 尖旗形:我们将研究三角形、旗形(flag)、尖旗形(pennant)、楔形(wedge)以及矩形(rectangle). 这些形态通常反映出现行趋势的停顿而不是反转,因此相对主要形态,它们通常被归为中级形态或小形态. 实际上,所有测算技法均是基于形态的高度.

2. 三角旗:都具有整理的功能而旗形或三角旗形是常见的整理型态,也是相当可靠的型态除了平行线组成的旗形之外,旗形也可能以小三角旗(pennant)的形态出现,它的意义和运用原则与旗形(flag)没有什么区别小三角旗看上去是个对称三角形形态,

3. pennant的反义词

3. 彭南特:现在边路的优秀球员囤积,贝纳永(Benayoun),彭南特(Pennant),沃罗宁(Voronin),巴贝尔(Babel),卢卡斯(Lucas),莱托(Leto),还有里瑟(Riise)也可以提上来打左前卫,Harry面对的竞争空前激烈,29岁的他已不具备年龄优势,明年他的合同将到期,

  • 经典引文

  • The pennants on the turrets streamed in the wind, taut and fluttering.

    出自:R. Rendell
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Silver is forming a strong technical pattern along with Gold and also forming a pennant.(与黄金形成三角旗一样,白银形成强势技术图形。)
Even the royal standard pennant fluttering from her Range Rover still bears a heraldic Irish harp in one corner.(即便是她乘坐的路虎-揽胜前飘扬的皇室旗帜的一角仍然饰有爱尔兰竖琴的纹章。)
"The Giants won the pennant. The Giants won the pennant", and October 3, 1951, became a frozen moment in baseball history.(1951年10月3日,“巨人队赢得了冠军”成为了棒球史上不朽的一刻。)
Hugs line - out and out wingers who hug lines. I. e. Pennant.(紧靠边线-紧靠边线的边锋。例如彭南特。)
But it is pitching that controls the game, Manager Joe Torre often says, and only strong pitching can lead the Yankees into a pennant race.(但是投手控制了全场的比赛,这是总教练托瑞常常说的,只有强力的投手才能带领洋基夺得冠军锦旗。)
If must be hanging the team pennant, please in registration when team pennant mail to organization committee.(如须悬挂队旗者,请于报名时将队旗邮寄至组委会。)
Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified.(重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳。)
There are a photograph children in the same arena raised their right hands to the team pennant salute to the leadership salute …(还有一张照片,同样是孩子在舞台上举起自己的右手向队旗敬礼,向领导敬礼…)
That year, the team won its first league championship pennant after more than twenty years of failure.(那一年,这支队伍在二十年的失败后赢得了它的第一个联赛冠军。)
The best squadron in each wing won a yellow pennant on a pole that was utterly worthless.(各联队名列第一的中队都获得一面挂在旗杆上的黄色三角旗,这玩意一点价值也没有。)
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