Please ask permission from whoever pays the phone bill before making your call.(打电话前请先征得话费支付人的许可。)
Have we got the permission?(我们得到允许了吗?)
Ask no permission of Miles Hendon for aught thou cravest.(不要问迈尔斯·亨顿是否同意你的任何渴望。)
We are grateful to you for permission to reproduce this article.(我们很感激您允许我们复印这篇文章。)
Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry.(他的母亲终于发慈悲,允许她最小的儿子结婚。)
She gave permission to the plane to taxi into position and hold for takeoff.(她允许飞机滑行入位并准备起飞。)
It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher.(未经出版者许可翻印这些习题是违法的。)
Do they know they can't install programs without your permission?(他们知道没有你的允许不能安装程序吗?)
On Friday the company's administrators sought permission from a Melbourne court to keep operating.(在星期五,该公司的管理人员们从一家墨尔本法院取得了继续经营的许可。)
Who would watch you without your permission?(没有你的允许,谁会监视你?)
permission是什么意思 permission在线翻译 permission什么意思 permission的意思 permission的翻译 permission的解释 permission的发音 permission的同义词