Think twice before liking supporting status updates or posting such opinions, which can incite and aggravate others (and live on in perpetuity).(因此,点赞这类更新状态或发布此类意见前,需要三思而行,因为这些信息可能煽动他人或加剧他人想法。)
But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity.(但是你每年捕捞量的百分比份额是固定的,并且这张文书保证你的永久捕捞权。)
Japanese art attaches great importance to the unity of man and nature, which reflects the perpetuity of the universe.(日本艺术强调自然与人的一体感,从而具现宇宙万古永恒的法理。)
The solution is to breed tigers, sell them and use the revenue to pay for wild tiger conservation and re-introductions in perpetuity.(解决的办法是进行老虎的繁育,销售这些人工繁育的老虎,将收入用于长期支付野生虎的保护和老虎的野外放归上。)
If the payments are made over an infinite period of time the annuity is called a perpetuity.(假如支付期是无限的,称为永久年金。)
I never before saw a smile caught like that, in perpetuity.(我从未见过谁的笑脸僵成那幅模样。)
So we have sufficient reason to carry forward and further develop it in perpetuity.(我们有理由永远把它继承并发扬光大。)
Major gifts to the Permanent Fund provide program support in perpetuity.(对永久基金的捐献则是提供计划永久性地支持。)
There are a lot of different rescue organizations. Or people can put money in their will so the pet will be taken care of in perpetuity.(现在有许多不同的救助组织,人们付钱,这些组织就会一直照看宠物。)
In the second, perpetuity; the sole hope, at the distant extremity of the future, that faint light of liberty which men call death.(在第二个地方,永无尽期,唯一的希望,就是悬在悠悠岁月的尽头的一点微光,解脱的微光,也就是人们所说的死亡。)
perpetuity是什么意思 perpetuity在线翻译 perpetuity什么意思 perpetuity的意思 perpetuity的翻译 perpetuity的解释 perpetuity的发音 perpetuity的同义词