英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈprɪnsəpl]

美 [ˈprɪnsəpəl]



副词: principally 名词: principalship

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 主要的,最重要的,首要的,第一的
  • 资本的,本金的,作为本钱的
  • 负责人的,首长的,领头的
  • 最大的,一流的
  • 有地位的
  • 主角,主要演员
  • 本金,资本
  • 校长
  • 【法律】委托人;本人;当事人
  • 长,首长;社长;负责人;长官;会长
  • 独唱者
  • 首席演奏者,主奏者
  • 主动者
  • 决斗的本人
  • 【律】主犯
  • [A]最重要的,主要的 highest in importance or position; main; chief
  • [C]负责人,校长 the head of some universities, colleges and schools
  • [S]资本,本金 an amount of money lent, put into a business, etc. and on which interest is paid
  • [P]被代理人,委托人 person for whom another acts as his agent
  • [C]主犯 person directly responsible for a crime


1. the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange
buys and sells for his own account

Synonym: dealer

2. the educator who has executive authority for a school

e.g. she sent unruly pupils to see the principal

Synonym: school principalhead teacherhead

3. (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement

4. an actor who plays a principal role

Synonym: starlead

5. capital as contrasted with the income derived from it

Synonym: corpusprincipal sum

6. the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated

1. 首要的;最主要的;最重要的
Principal means first in order of importance.

e.g. The principal reason for my change of mind is this.
e.g. ...the country's principal source of foreign exchange earnings...

2. (中小学)校长;(英国)大学校长,学院院长
The principal of a school, or in Britain the principal of a college, is the person in charge of the school or college.

e.g. Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School.

  • 情景对话

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.

B:He was found cheating and was driven out.

A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.

  • Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.
  • She has been the principal dancer in our ballet for ten years.
  • He is the principal of this school.
  • There is a shortage of principal.
  • I must consult my principals.
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • His principal and most successful business venture.

    出自:J. Thurber
  • The principal source of information.

    出自:N. Gordimer
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • principal用作形容词的意思是“最重要的,主要的,首要的”,用于人时指其起的作用最大,而不指职位最高; 用于物时,指其在重要性上优于他物,起决定作用。
  • principal无比较级和最高级形式。
principal, capital, chief, main
  • 这组词均可表示“首要的”“重要的”。其区别在于:
  • 1.capital, principal和chief既可修饰人,也可修饰物, main多修饰物,很少修饰人。例如:
  • He acted the principal hero in the play.他在那出戏中演主角。
  • It is allowed that pronunciation is one of the principal things in English.大家都认为发音是英语的一个重要方面。
  • We must focus on our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. 我们必须集中精力把广开销路作为促进贸易的主要手段来抓。
  • The chief cadres in charge should bear greater responsibility. 主要负责干部要多承担一些责任。
  • The annex has been built on to the main building.主楼配建有附属的建筑物。
  • 2.capital指“一流的”,但不是“第一的”; chief指物时是“最重要的”,指人时是“职位最高的”; main和principal既可指“一流的”,也可指“第一的”。例如:
  • The trade union chief comrade boiled over when the men voted against him.那位工会首领在工人投他反对票时大发雷霆。
  • n.(名词)
    principal, director, headmaster, president, schoolmaster
  • 这组名词的共同意思是“校长”,但用于不同的学校要用不同的词:principal通常指中学校长,也可指小学校长或大学院长; headmaster指普通小学或中学的男性校长,在美国尤指私立学校的校长; director不仅指学校的校长,还可指各组织机构、团体等的负责人,如处长、局长、主任、厂长等; schoolmaster指小学、中学等一般学校的教师或校长; president指大学校长。例如:
  • The school principal announced the honor roll list.校长宣布了优等生名单。
  • Our headmaster is an old man.我们的校长是一位老人。
  • He is the director of the research center.他是研究中心的主任。
  • John is the schoolmaster of that secondary school.约翰是那所中学的校长。
  • He was the president of Harvard University.他是哈佛大学的校长。
    • ☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的principal;最初源自拉丁语的principalis,意为主要的,占据主导的。
    • 考研真题例句

    考研真题例句 OG 1.principal

    In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.principal

    The United States is the product of two principal forces.



    Although I hated going there, I did not hate the principal, Mr. Ratcliff.(虽然我讨厌去那里,但我并不讨厌校长——拉特克利夫先生。)
    Their principal function was to provide funds for the state.(他们的主要职责是为国家提供资金。)
    I asked my principal if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.(我问我的校长能否为难民组织一次慈善募捐。)
    This strategy has two principal variations.(这种策略有两个主要变体。)
    I sent a copy to the school principal.(我寄了一份复印件给校长。)
    The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices.(对新住宅需求的主要结果是促使价格上涨。)
    Further information is available on application to the principal.(申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。)
    James Madison was the principal architect of the constitution.(詹姆斯·麦迪逊是该宪法的主设计师。)
    He was one of the principal architects of the revolution.(他是那次革命的主要发动者之一。)
    In many part of the word renewable energy is already a principal energy source.(在世界上许多地方,可再生能源已经是主要的能源。)
    principal是什么意思 principal在线翻译 principal什么意思 principal的意思 principal的翻译 principal的解释 principal的发音 principal的同义词