英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [pəˈsɪstəns]

美 [pərˈsɪstəns]



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  • 持续
  • 坚持
  • 持久
  • 执着
  • 执意
  • 持续存在
  • 维持
  • 固执
  • 存留
  • 坚持不懈
  • 顽固
  • 持续性
  • 【无线电】持久性
  • 保留时间
  • 执着
  • 固执己见
  • 桀骜不驯
  • 暂留
  • 留存
  • 继续存在


1. the act of persisting or persevering
continuing or repeating behavior

e.g. his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate

Synonym: perseveranceperseveration

2. persistent determination

Synonym: doggednessperseverancepersistencytenacitytenaciousnesspertinacity

3. the property of a continuous and connected period of time

Synonym: continuity

1. 毅力;锲而不舍
If you have persistence, you continue to do something even though it is difficult or other people are against it.

e.g. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence...
e.g. Chandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.

2. (尤指不好事物的)持续存在,延续
The persistence of something, especially something bad, is the fact of its continuing to exist for a long time.

e.g. ...an expression of concern at the persistence of inflation and high interest rates.

1. 毅力:服务型领导的能力要素体现在愿景(Vision)、活力(Vitality)、参与(Involvment)、互动(Interration)、执行(Performance)、毅力(Persistence)等方面. 领导者应以身作则,成为整个团队的学习榜样,并担负起相应的社会责任,体现出组织的核心价值.

2. 持久化:OpenORM是基于JAVA的符合SQL使用习惯的对象/关系(O/R Mapping)持久化(Persistence)框架. OpenORM主要特性列表: 面向对象的SQL查询语言(OOSQL)面向对象的编写SQLSQL函数支持存储过程支持 其它SQL特性支持数据库平台的一致性 数据类型的一致性函数的一致性操作的一致性传统的SQL语言使用习惯复合主键支持最少使用反射,

  • 经典引文

  • Thanks to Alice's persistence in getting me to school..I scraped by.

    出自:Rachel Anderson
  • Dogs lost their common sense and barked with a stupid persistence, on and on.

    出自:N. Sahgal
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.persistence

Among the works and masterworks on exhibition the visitor will find the best pieces, most importantly the Persistence of Memory.

在展出的作品和代表作之中, 参观者能一览最佳杰作, 其中最重要的是《持续的记忆》。


The authors conclude that the persistence of homework cannot be explained by appeal to such notions, for in fact, homeworkers do not differ sharply from other employed women.(作者得出结论,持续在家工作的状态不能用这些观念来解释,因为事实上,在家工作的女性与其他职业女性并没有太大区别。)
They never told us where to find courage and persistence.(他们从未告诉我们在哪里可以找到勇气和毅力。)
Your enthusiasm for running may soon fade away. However, only with persistence can you have a stronger body.(你对跑步的热情可能会逐渐消失,然而,只有坚持锻炼才能让身体更强壮。)
Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.(墨迹很难清除,不过,只要有足够的恒心与耐心,大部分圆珠笔印迹都是可以清除的。)
Persistence alone is omnipotent.(只有恒心——是万能的。)
Environmental conditions mattered, but they were rarely, if ever, sufficient to account for sociocultural persistence and change.(环境条件很重要,但是,即使有,也不能足以说明社会文化的持久性和变化。)
Parents, teachers, even the kids themselves, scored the youngsters on measures like "acting before thinking" and "persistence in reaching goals".(家长、老师,甚至孩子们自己,都按照“先行动后思考”和“坚持实现目标”之类的标准给孩子打分。)
But as the work became more difficult, the students with a growth mind-set showed greater persistence.(但随着作业难度的加大,具有成长型思维模式的学生表现出了更强的毅力。)
I think the prescription for success is persistence.(我认为成功的诀窍就在于坚持不懈。)
Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.(缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为一个出色的研究人员。)
persistence是什么意思 persistence在线翻译 persistence什么意思 persistence的意思 persistence的翻译 persistence的解释 persistence的发音 persistence的同义词