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英 [ˈpesɪmɪzəm]

美 [ˈpɛsəˌmɪzəm]


形容词: pessimistic 副词: pessimistically 名词: pessimist

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  • 悲观主义
  • 厌世主义
  • 悲观情绪
  • 厌世思想


1. a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things

2. the feeling that things will turn out badly

1. 悲观;悲观主义
Pessimism is the belief that bad things are going to happen.


e.g. ...universal pessimism about the economy...
e.g. My first reaction was one of deep pessimism.

1. 悲观:25 不佳情绪 Bad Emotions | 悲观 Pessimism | ? 抑郁与沮丧 Depression and Dismay

2. 悲观的:- impatience 急躁, 不耐烦 | - pessimism悲观的 | - indifference 冷漠, 不关心

Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces, and each of us must choose which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations.(乐观和悲观都是强大的力量,我们每个人都必须选择两者之一,来塑造我们的前景和预期。)
Maybe the moment of maximum pessimism is at hand after all.(或许,极度悲观的时刻就要到来了。)
Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.(悲观失望似乎是当今司空见惯的情形。)
It may be time to move beyond pessimism.(现在或许是时候告别消极和悲观了。)
In my opinion, this suggestion smacks of pessimism.(我认为这个建议有点儿悲观。)
What's driving this new pessimism?(是什么驾驭着这些新悲观主义?)
The pessimism may be overdone.(这种悲观主义也许过了头。)
Is there a pessimism of the strong?(存在强者的悲观主义吗?)
Optimism was gradually taking the place of pessimism.(乐观正逐渐替代悲观。)
This article will argue that pessimism is no longer justified.(本文将讨论悲观主义再也没有道理。)
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